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Chapter three of We good...bro? Edited

Published on Nov. 12 2015. (sorry it is a day late editing took longer than thought)

*ally's pov*

I woke up at 10:15 and decided I should start getting ready if I was going today. I plugged my phone into my speakers and played my playlist. Born to die by Lana Del Rey started playing but I skipped it not being in the mood to hear love songs. BEAT by Ricky Dillon came on so I stripped from my clothing still half asleep stepping into the shower before starting the water. I grabbed some shampoo and started running my hands through my hair like i was washing it. Let's do a countdown until realization. 3 2 1. "GODDAMNIT" I yelled turning the water on for real this time. Just then Lucy by Skillet came on. I wanted to start crying so I started singing my coming out song at the top of my lungs. "We're all the same we just want to belong so let me explain it the form of a song...." I gave up and just ignored the song not wanting to cry today. I need to remember to take that song off of my happy style playlist. I finish washing my body and hair and get out. I dry my hair only to reveal the monster that lives on my head. God I fucking hate hair. After I put on my pizza boxers and white tank top I started to tame the beast this shall be fun. Ok annnnnnd done. I Put on my usual outfit. Black ripped skinny's and a black muscle tee....No I take off the shirt and throw it over to my bed grabbing a white low cut tee that just so happens to say 'I have brunch plans'. Wow perfect outfit. I grab my black high top converse that are beat up and fly as fuckkkkkk. I am on my way. I drive to this coffee shop and just as I am walking in this douchebag dumps his coffee on my shirt. Smirking he doesn't even say sorry he just stands there checking me out. That is it. "What the fuck dude watch where you are fucking going! Damn why don't you just leave and go be a fuckboy somewhere else? Damn get that dumbass face out of my sight before I rearrange it." I was yelling gaining the attention of everyone in the store. I did not give a fuck anymore. That was until my eyes landed on the most beautiful sight in the world. She was in a Paramore shirt and her hair with the red tips framing her beautiful face making her even more unforgettable. Angelic if you must say. I loved it something about her drew me in. Maybe it was her beauty or sense of style. Maybe it was those brown eyes that one could get lost in. Before I even knew what I was doing I made it to the register. "Hi...Um sorry about that lady He just spilled his coffee all over me i did not mean to make a scene." I said looking at her and then getting nervous. Goddamn it I am blushing I advert my gaze from the beautiful lady and look to the ground. "It's fine um do you need a new shirt for the time being? I can clock out now anyway." She replied smiling. Holy shit her voice is as perfect as her! "Please if you don't mind I am kind of hurrying to make it to a brunch date." She smiled going into the back room for a second and emerged from the back room looking more than perfect with her outfit. She extended her hand. "Stevie. nice to meet you...uh" "Ally nice to meet you too but to be honest I would have rather not embarrassed myself infront of a beautiful girl today." I said laughing bringing her hand up to my lips to kiss her backhand. She blushed and looked down at the ground."Sooo.... shall we go get you that shirt miss Ally?" She asked still holding my hand. I don't know what it is about this girl but every time I look at her I feel like she should be the center of my world. "Yes please. Lead the way lady." She smiled and then started leading me to her car. "So where is this brunch date at?" She asked going through something in her car. Then it clicked the voice that was so fimiliar and those eyes. She is STEVIE BOEBI. I WAS JUST CHECKING OUT STEVIE BOEBI WTF. "The abbey...Um are you like the Stevie Boebi? Like the youtuber?" She looked back confused and nodded smiling. I blushed knowing I was checking her out. But then I remembered she was with Riley. OH MY GOD. "I gotta go" I'm pretty sure I was stuttering I ran off to my car heading straight to the abbey. When I got there I went straight to al. She got up and hugged me. With that I ranted about what just happened. "So you are never going to guess what just happened. I went to that little coffee shop down the road from my house and there was a guy that spilled his coffee all down the front of my shirt and then I of course went and blew up on him and then there was this really beautiful woman with the most amazing red tips and her lips..... i'm serious right now." When I got to the red tips part she smiled really big. "They looked so inviting and her eyes were so hypnotizing. She offered to help me get a new shirt and so she said her name was Stevie." Al started giggling so i just rolled my eyes and continued. "Anyways while we were out at her car I realized that she was the and I mean THE STEVIE BOEBI. Omg I was so flirty when I was with her it just felt so right though. Then I remembered she had Riley and I got pissed and ran off. I wish I would have just stayed for a bit longer and gotten her number. She truly is beautiful. No she is more than that. She is perfect." Just as I said that a paper with a number was handed over to me by a hand with black painted fingernails. Then the mystery lady spoke. "Here's my number that you forgot." I knew that voice anywhere it is Stevie. I turned to look up at Stevie to see her smiling.

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now