YOU'RE A HOBO?!?! part 1

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Chapter six of We good...Bro? Edited

Published Nov. 22 2015



I think Stevie is obsessed with Ally. Like no joke. As we speak I am probably looking like a potato with an uncomfortable expression on my face. It is getting awkward. "Al was it too weird?" "Wha- wai- huh?" She slapped her hand to her forehead shaking her head no. "Did you hear a single word I said?" I shook my head no. "Ugh was this picture too weird to send to someone you barely know?" She said shoving a picture of a nintendo wii with a moustache and a beret. I raised my eyebrow rising nonchalantly from my seat. "Well that is my cue to go to bed night." I ran as soon as I said that. I shut my door and locking it. I heard stevie running up the stairs to my door. *BANG BANG BANG* "ALEXIS WAS IT THAT WEIRD?" She yelled. I couldn't tell if she was mad at me or if she was actually concerned about this. I walked over to my bed taking off my sweat pants and shirt leaving me in my grey boy shorts and black bra. I MATCH OK? "CAN'T HEAR YOU I AM SLEEPING STEVEN ROBERTS!!!" I yelled to her climbing under my duvet. *BANG* "AW FUUUCCCKKKKK" I shot up going over to the door opening it to reveal a crying stevie boebi that was holding her foot spewing profanities. I kneel down next to her and smack her hands away looking at her foot. "Hey stevie I think you broke your foot....." "NO SHITE SHERLOCK!!" I had to stifle a laugh and I pulled her up by her arm. "DAMN GURL FOR BEING SKINNY YOU SURE ARE HEAVY!" I exclaimed making her giggle then wince as her foot hit the ground. "Yay another hospital." She mutters. "DON'T BLAME ME YOU ARE THE ONE THAT WANTED TO KICK THE DOOR!" I put my hands up signaling I surrender she gave me the signature Sassibob death glare. I chuckled picking her up and carrying her to the car. DAMN THIS GIRL IS HEAVY. Ally is so gonna be in the room with her not me Nu-uh I am going home to sleep. I drive to the hospital while stevie is trying to sleep in the backseat. FUNNNNNN. I'm bored. "Hey sassy I am turning on Lana." I gain a mhmm in response so I take that as a go for it. I turn on the radio and perfect weapon by black veil brides came on with the beginning scream making both of us jump. "Hehe....Sorry." She death glares me laying back down on the seat mumbling to herself but I could still catch three words. "all ally's fault."

When we arrive at the hospital and are waiting in the waiting room I decided that now would be a good time to call ally.


Me and danny just finished the recording and I was cleaning my coat off. I didn't think through the idea of opening a soda after clapping with it in my hands. Nice one ally. I know. "Hey Dan what are we doing for my channel?" He shrugged and I just cleared my mind of it I have 3 more weeks with him. "So wh-" I was cut off to my phone playing the Kim Possible ringtone. I check my phone again and I have 47 missed calls and 164 messages. I look at all of the missed calls. All but two of them are Al and the other two are stevie. I then look at my messages. 100 from a group chat with my friends Bria, Chrissy, Steph (ellosteph of course), Madison, and Hannah hart. 46 from Al and 1 from stevie. I open stevie's text first. A wii wii? Wtf does this even mean? Whatever. I then open the group chat to make all of those messages. And here goes nothing. I open Al's starting from the top of them. It repeats until the last two.

al : Ally where are you?

Al : Ally where are you

al: Ally fucking answer me I'm worried.


Al :Ally I have some bad news.

Al : God don't answer any of my calls or texts but you should know that stevie is in the hospital If you want you can come.

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now