break ups?

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Chapter twelve of We good..bro? Edited


*Ally pov*

We were laying on the couch after christening every room but the kitchen and bathroom. She did not want to christen the kitchen because come on it is gross considering we make food in there and eat in there half the time. I agreed with her and so we finished our.....duties ;) and laid where we finished. We had been laying here for the last hour. I was tracing her tattoo on her shoulder when the weirdest question ever popped into my head. "Hey Stevie." I received a 'hmm' in response. "I love you...wait...if we can't see air can fish see water?"  I said while squinting to see the air in front of my face. She looked up at me with wide eyes. And she pondered it for a second. "That is the deepest fucking question I have ever heard" She finally said after thinking of nothing. We both laughed and she looked up at me smiling. She straddled me. Leaning over me and hovering over my face. I smiled up at her and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and traced my thumb over her perfect lips. She kissed my thumb and turned her head so it was laying in my palm. She grabbed my hand wrapping her hand around my thumb and pulling it away. "Ally it is 2 pm you should go get your stuff from your parents so you can officially move in I have a truck in the garage and also don't bring your stuff in once you get here. I have a surprise in mind that will be ready by then." I got excited because in the bedroom she really did surprise me last night ;). I got up and tripped over my own foot and fell on my face. She came running back from the bedroom with a long black tee shirt on and ran to my side. She tsked and kissed me. I smiled and got up. She laughed when I almost fell again. She scooped me up and carried me to the bedroom. It was different because for the last almost 7 hours I have been the one carrying her and getting us food. I think tonight was her first time ever using a strap on because when I first came out with it she looked almost terrified. Oh well I will ask her about it later. I got dressed and realized that it was almost Christmas, actually it is a week away,  I am so excited. (a/n its Hannah but I have read this story before I started helping write this and she told me to go ahead and put Christmas in here and that she is sorry that the story skipped ally's birthday) I left giving her a kiss and telling her I would be a few hours. I am going to get Stevie some necklaces for Christmas and I am also going to get her a promise ring. I love her so much it is necessary that I give her one. I am going to have it have two hearts encrusted with diamonds and have the band engraved to say 'I promise'. Man I hope I am going big enough for her this year. Normally I don't have a girlfriend on Christmas to shop for so let's see.  I drove to my mom and dad's to get my things and once I had done that I was off to a jewelry shop. 

*Stevie's pov*

Ally had gone out with my truck but I still had my car. I went out to the mall to get some different gifts such as a robe, a new pair of handcuffs: we may have broke the chain on them last night: and a new strap on for me to wear tonight ;). I saw a hoverboard in the window of a store and automatically thought about penguin. I bought it and added it to my my trunk but kept the handcuffs and strap on in the front seat. I went to a flower shop and picked up a few bouquets of daisy's. I drove back and realized it had already been an hour. I started to place the petals in a path leading from the front door to the kitchen where I left a bouquet of daisy's and then a path to our bedroom. I left a note on the door to strip and put on the blindfold. I started my outfit now. I put on the strap on and since I was a little sore from last night I winced as my end slid in. Just as I got the harness strapped on correctly and set up the handcuffs on the head board I heard the door open. I heard a distant ally speak. "Stevie! Babe I'm back......what da faq?" I heard her take off her shoes and start her way down the path. I was starting to get nervous. I heard her footsteps stop outside the door and I heard a few light thuds on the ground meaning she was taking off her clothing like I had asked. I heard the tape being taken off the door signalling me that she had the blindfold on. She knocked and I opened the door. I grabbed her hand and she chuckled. "Ally do you trust me?" I asked as I went behind her and placed my hands over her boobs squeezing them gently. She nodded. I led her to the bed and handcuffed each hand to the headboard and her feet to the other end of the bed. What can I not need her to be at my mercy its payback time. "Stevie i'm starting to get really worried. I thought we broke the hand cuffs?" I chuckled and took the blindfold off of her. 

She blinked her eyes a few times. She then opened her mouth in surprise. She tugged on the handcuffs and growled. "Oh its on." I said crawling over her so I could hover over her. I un-cuffed her hands and feet. Kissing her roughly I ran a finger between her folds and noticed how wet she was. I stood up beside the bed and she was still to dazed to figure out what happened. "If you can catch me I will do whatever you want." I said before running into the living room and I couldn't decided whether or not to go left or right before I felt two hands on my waist and my self being picked up and spun around.  I turned around to face her once I stopped spinning. She starts to kiss me. "Ally I want to tell you something." she nodded and furrowed her eyebrows. I carried her back to the bedroom and laid her on the bed while hovering over her. "I am the archangel." I said seriously and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. I spread her legs and positioned the tip of my strap on at her entrance. "Stevie what does that mean?" With one thrust I was completely inside of her and she arched her back and gasped throwing her head back. I chuckled. "Told you I am the archangel." She laughed but it was short lived as I placed my hands on either side of her head and leaned down to connect our lips for a second. I smiled at her and started to thrust in and out of her biting her lips. She was rolling her hips with my pace. I sat on my haunches and spread her legs even further. I leaned forward and whispered into her ear "If you want it you gotta beg for it. I placed my hands on either side of her head again and started to bite and suck on her neck. "f-f-fucking stevie. GODDAMNIT FUCK ME ALREADY!?" And with that I slammed into her making her throw her head back and scratch my back. It stung so I know that I am going to have proof of this afterward. I kept going hard into her both of us letting out a chorus of moans. She screamed my name and climaxed the sight of my girlfriend laying under me a thin sheen of sweat covering her body. Her perfect chest. I started to thrust again taking my time with each thrust. She started to scratch my back again. She was rolling her hips. Her breathing started to become erratic again. In one swift motion I pulled out of her and started to kiss down her body. I kissed and bit the inside of her thighs. She groaned and reached down to tug on my hair. I figured she was tired of my bullshit so I gave her what she was waiting for. I licked her slit slowly and the started to go faster. I bit her throbbing nub gently earning her to jerk her hips up. I slid two, (A/n Addie: THREE READ THEIR TUMBLR POSTS) oops, sorry three fingers into her and she was close to her release already. Her walls were clenching around my fingers more and more every time that I ran my tongue over her clit. I bit it and she instantly released on my hand. I sat up and put my fingers in my mouth. She was breathing hard but her eyes widened when I did that. I took the strap on off and threw it to the ground next to the bed before going up and placing my head on her chest. 

As she played with my hair I was being lulled off to sleep by the sound of her heart beating. I wouldn't mind if this is how I spend the rest of my life. Just as I was about to pass out my phone started to play eenie meenie. This was Steph's ringtone. I got out of bed slowly not wanting to leave the warmth of ally's naked body. I grabbed my phone and put it to my ear. "S-s-Stevie. sh-she she she b-broke u-u-up with meeeee!!!" Steph's voice rang through the phone. "Steph calm down me and Ally are on our ways. Do you need anything?" she said no and hung up after she sobbed a few more times. Ally sat up in the bed. The love bites from today and yesterdays events were very visible. "What's wrong with Steph?" "Madison broke up with her and she was sobbing and just get ready." She nodded and grabbed a shirt and pair of my pants. I rolled my eyes at how my plan turned out to be stupid and good at the same time. We got in the car and drove over to Steph's ready for a long night.


Hey guys and girls! It seems as if you guys like this type of stuff you dirty little things you... Anyway next chapter will be Christmas day just a heads up SEE YA LATER SUCKERS





Keep being you Santa will come faster XD

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now