Merry Christmas Penguin

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Chapter fifteen of We good..bro? Edited

Published on Dec. 31st I am so sorry I did not have wifi for the last three days.

*Ally pov.*

We stayed at the restaurant for a while longer until our guests started to go home with their significant others. Stevie and I were hanging around with Danny, Bria and Chrissy, Steph, Shannon and Cammie. Everyone but Ally and Chrissy had a beer. They lost at rock paper scissors against Danny and I. "Pretty, I want to dance." She nodded and we stood along with each other couple. "Do you guys want me and Danny to sing and play or just have the actually artist sing it. "I want to dance with you. Have Steph and Danny play and sing. They are loners." I cannot. Believe. Stevie. "Stevie that is so mean." I still laughed along with everyone else. Danny me and Steph walked over to the equipment. "Steph you have to sing this song pleassseeee." I shoved my phone into her hand. She nodded and her and Danny set up. "Ok This one goes out to all of the lovely couples that I hope last forever. oh. Stevie I hope you like this Ally picked it for you." She nodded at Danny who started strumming. As she started to play the drums lightly. I grabbed Stevie's hand and lead her to the dance floor. Shannon and Bria did the same to Cammie and Chrissy. We got there just as Steph's voice rang through the restaurant.

"I think the universe is on my side

Heaven and Earth have finally aligned
Days are good and that's the way it should be

You sprinkle star dust on my pillow case
It's like a moonbeam brushed across my face
Nights are good and that's the way it should be

You make me sing oh, la, la, La
You make a girl go oh oh
I'm in love, love

Did you see that shooting star tonight?
Were you dazzled by the same constellation?
Did you and Jupiter conspire to get me?
I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right
'Cause now I'm shining bright, so bright
Bright, so bright

And I see colors in a different way
You make what doesn't matter fade to grey
Life is good and that's the way it should be

You make me sing oh, la, la, la
You make a girl go oh oh
I'm in love, love"

I wiggled my eyebrows at Stevie making her laugh.

"Did you see that shooting star tonight?
Were you dazzled by the same constellation?
Did you and Jupiter conspire to get me?
I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right
'Cause now I'm shining bright (oh) so bright
And I get lost (oh) in your eyes

Did you see that shooting star tonight?
Were you dazzled by the same constellation?
Did you and Jupiter conspire to get me?
I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right
I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right
I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right
'Cause now I'm shining bright, so bright
Bright, so bright
Bright, so bright
And I get lost in your eyes tonight"

She leaned in and kissed me again. I gave her multiple pecks back and she just giggled and pushed me away. I took the mic from Steph and Shannon and Bria joined me on stage. I turned off the mic for a second. "Ok guys on the count of three we are going to say merry Christmas to the love of my life I love you." They all nodded and we turned around as there were now people coming into the restaurant to eat. "One. Two. Three." I whispered. "MERRY CHRISTMAS TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!! I LOVE YOU STEVIE." "CHRISSY." "CAMMIE." We said our goodbyes and I'll miss yous before leaving to our home. The whole time I was driving Stevie had her hand on my thigh. I turned on the radio and bright started to play and I laughed. We arrived at home. "I love you." "Stevie. I love you so much that love does not even describe it. I will just say that I need you more than the earth needs the sun to survive. I love and want you by my side for the rest on my life. I don't love you I am in love with you. I even love you when you yell at me. I love when you are sleeping and wrap my arms around you subconsciously or how you smile when I sing. Or how you alw-" She cut me off with lips. I smiled and put my hand behind her neck pulling her closer. I pulled back and got out. She was already out and at the door. I unlocked it and she walked in. This tux is comfortable and all but I do not really like it. "Stevie come back in here." She came in and sat down on the couch. I smiled at her walking over to our tree. I grabbed her three things from me and told her to unwrap them and meet me in the bedroom. I started to take my jacket and vest off. I was unbuttoning my shirt when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned around and and looked at her. " I love them thank you baby." She leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Can you..." She asked pointing to the back of her dress. I nodded and turned her around. My fingertips grazed her skin and it sent shivers up my arm. I unzipped her dress and started to push it off of her shoulders. I leaned in and kissed her neck.  As the dress hit the floor. "Merry Christmas Penguin." "yes it is a very merry Christmas."

(New years eve.)

I placed my hands on her hips and bit down gently on her neck. She sighed in content. I placed my chin onto her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her waist. Her back hit my chest and her arms laid over my own. The back of her head was resting on my shoulder. "Do you think we will always be like this? Happy, smiling, living....together?" She asked looking over at me. "Of course." My eyes flickered down from her eyes to her lips. I moved my head closer to hers and her breath hitched. I looked up at her eyes. "Always." She nodded and I connected our lips as her hand laid on her shoulder still caressing my cheek. She turned to face me and our chests were pushed together. Our lips moving in sync. Our breathing. Backs and feet hitting objects. Bound wrists and screams of pleasure. Scratching and arching of backs. The don't stops and baby Im almost there. They are my reason to keep going. Her voice and the way she says my name, whether or not it is for me being in trouble or she needs me. We are in a bar with all of our friends and they are dancing and drinking. Stevie is on my lap and my chin is on her shoulder. The countdown of numbers captures my attention. I pull Stevie up and kiss her lips right as people shout out one. This is going to be the best year yet.


Hi guys. I was stuck on this and I had no wifi Sooo I am sorry I did not get it out to you earlier. Anyways guys I think that is a wrap on the story. Do you guys want me and hannah to continue another 'book' that is leading off of this story? Because lets face it this was pretty uneventful but I hate when there are things that happen in stories that probably will not happen irl. SO START TELLING ME GUYS!? I love you and thanks for commenting and reading it means a lot.






We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now