Blue? Blue.

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Chapter thirteen of We good...bro? Edited

published on Dec 25th 2015 MERRY CHRISTMAS OR HAPPY HOLIDAYS

What was you favorite thing you got or did this year?

*Ally pov a week later*

We had gotten to Steph's and soon enough she had cried herself to sleep. We stayed over and had made sure she was fine. She was pretty quiet so we asked her to some stay with us for a while and she just nodded. She packed a bag and we drove her back with us to our house. Which meant while she was here I wouldn't be getting any Stevie time because I wouldn't want her to hear Stevie screaming ;). I was out shopping with Stevie for Steph. Yes we do know that Steph is Jewish but we wanted to get her something to make her happy even if we had to give it to her a day after so it does not count as a Christmas present. I was nervous about tonight because I was taking Stevie out on a date and was going to give her a ring. The twist to the date is that I have reserved a whole restaurant with my mothers help, Stevie and I would be going there for our date but our parents and closest friends will be there as well. I told her to dress nice at home. We are walking back to the car when a car comes barreling towards us. l drop my bags and tackle Stevie out of the way. We landed on the ground a foot away from where the car had passed. In shock I look up at her and she has tears in her eyes. "Hey hey hey Stevie whats wrong baby? Hey come here." She leaned into my chest and started to cry my shirt was being soaked. I don't know why she is crying but I am just happy that neither one of us is having to suffer the other being in an unpredictable state at the moment. I stood up and scooped her up I carried her to the car I put her down and she backed up with her back leaning against the car door. She was still crying and she crossed her arms awkwardly rubbing her upperarms with her hands. 

She got in the car as did I after I grabbed our bags off of the crosswalk and tossed them into the dumpster. It was a new Iphone and laptop but the asshole that was driving completely ran it over so those are dead. I sat in my seat the initial shock settling and fear of is my world that sat in the seat next to me was alright. I put my forhead against the stereing wheel. "Stevie i'm sorr-" "Don't. Fucking. Say. It. You did nothing wrong. I am not crying because of you. I am crying because the thought of losing you is way to much to handle. You are my world even though we have only known eachother for maybe 2 months. In those two months you have shown me many things that I would have never even seen the way you see it if you did not show me them. I love you Ally and I don't think I can live wtihout you in my life." I didn't even wait for her to take a breath after she stopped speaking I smashed my lips into hers. Our mouths moving in sync. I was silently crying and by the time we pulled away I was ready to just hold her for a lifetime. I wiped my eyes and started the car. She reached over and intertwined our fingers. She smiled and I was still pretty messed up I kept rethinking about how I still had to promise myself to her tonight. "Stevie are you still up for our date?" She nodded. I was happy. We made it back to the apartment and Steph was smiling on the couch with her bag packed next to her. "Hey Stevie, Ally....Didn't you guys go to the store." We nodded in sync Stevie walked off to our bedroom yawning. "Ally? Where is the stuff then?" I sat down next to her and sighed. "We were walking and a car started to barrel towards us and I dropped the stuff and got both of us moved before we got hit. So it got demolished and I don't know anymore she cried and I cried." She sat there biting her lip and looking at her hands for a second. "Are we still up for it tonight?" She whispered so that Stevie did not hear." I nodded. She sighed. "Can I go home or are you guys still Babysitting me?" She joked. I shook my head no. I went to our bedroom door. "Lady I am taking Redhead out here home I will be back." Steph walked out of the front door to start off to the car. "Stevie opened the door naked. I looked down at her body. I smiled but since I can't do anything right now I looked up at her ,just as plesant to look at as her body, face. I leaned in to kiss her but she moved her face to where I kissed her cheek. I pulled back and frowned. "Baby just be careful ok?" I nodded and she actually kissed me. I smiled into the kiss making me and her pull back. "Be ready I will be back by six. By the way I am getting ready at my moms ok?" She had a confused look on her face and nodded. I kissed her once more before jogging out to the car. 

I dropped Steph off and reminded her that I wanted her to wear any color but blue. She nodded and rolled her eyes. Stevie and I had picked out a matching blue dress and tux for tonight and for that reason every one agreed that they would wear different colors to match with their partners. Steph and Hannah would wear purple since they are single, mine and stevies parents would wear black, and our friends had white dresses. I wanted a tux because lets face it kneeling in a dress is pretty fucking awkward. I drove back to moms house and instantly she pulled me into the house and all I can say is THE HORROR THE HORRROOOORRRR. I'm just kidding. She helped me with my outfit and hair. I did my make up. I loaded my guitar and piano into the trunk and started back off to our apartment so that I would arrive on time. It was 5:30 so I had 30 minutes. I walked right into our apartment my hand clutching the little box that is in my pocket. I walked into our bedroom finding my girlfriend bent over finishing her mascara. She smiled as she saw me in the mirror. She had lipstick on BLECH. Don't get me wrong she is beautiful with it until she kisses me I do not like it. 




Hi I am sorry it is little but it is something for you to read on christmas.  Anywhore. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS. I am sorry this is just a filler.

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now