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Chapter five of We good...bro? Edited

Published on Nov. 19 2015.

*ally's pov* (1 week later)

Stevie is so sweet. I still do not understand why every time that she is around I feel like I am on cloud nine. "IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!" I yell throwing my phone across the room. I start to pace walking around with my hands on my head. *bing* The shrill of my stupid phone echos in the other wise quiet and lifeless house. I go over picking up my phone assessing the damage as I pick it up. Letting out a sigh of relief as I see that the screen is not cracked. I look at the messages that I have acquired in the last week. 47 missed calls and 163 texts. To be honest I have been to lazy to plug in my computer or phone at all this week. After the Stevie left I went back to mom and dad's to talk to mom about what was going on.

*flashback to last Thursday*

I was walking over to mom's house just thinking of some words that I could put into a new song. As I arrive at my parents house I start breathing heavily. I am about to tell mom for the first time that I have feelings for the first time. What if she tells dad he has the biggest mouth! Oh my god this is the worst thing in the world. I have to tell someone that I have feelings for Stevie. I knocked on the oak door and no one answered. I found the spare key. Damn that thing is dusty af. I thought to myself after I grabbed it. I opened the door with a creak. "HAIIIII......MOOOOOMMMMMM DADDDDDDD?" I yelled through the lifeless house gaining no reply I started to worry. There was no sign of my parents and quite frankly I was worried. I decided that I should call mom like a normal person. On the third ring she picked up. "Hellllooooo?" "Hey mom where are you? I came back home to talk to you but you weren't here." I said breathing hard trying not to worry so much failing and having the start of a panic attack. "Honey calm down me and your dad are on a vacation. You'll be fine. We are fine just calm down ok?" I nodded forgetting that she was not in the room with me I spoke. "Ok....Mom?" Her reply was a gentle mmhhhmmm. I sighed exhausted. "Mom I think I am falling for my best friend. She is so sweet and funny and she always knows whats wrong before I even have to tell her. Mom I reeaallly think I am falling for her." Mom sighed. "Well honey maybe you should give it a shot. Any girl would be lucky to call you their 'bae' or whatever it is you kids say." She said and I could tell that when she said bae she was quoting it with her fingers. "Mom....When are you guys getting back.?" "Um about a month why is something wrong?" She answered hesitantly and worried. "No I was wondering if I could come stay at home for a while..." I paused waiting for her to say no. "Of course you can you just don't touch my plants I have Danny coming over to water them. I do not want them to end up dead!" She said chuckling. I laughed at my horrible plant skills. "How do you plant?" I asked making her laugh harder. "Wait mom is it Danny? As in like Danny Padilla?" She stopped laughing still giggling slightly. "Yeah your best friend from high school right?" I nodded once again forgetting that she was not in the room with me. "Yeah what day is he coming over?" I asked hesitantly. "Everyday but Thursday and Sunday. Otherwise it will be just you and him for like 10 minutes each day." "ok mom I love you have fun!!" "love you too honey take care and don't throw any parties while I am gone." She said cutting the line. Danny's back. He came back just like he promised. I sat down burying my face in my hands. "He's back" I whisper.

*Flashback over*

Just as I was about to check all of my messages someone knocked at the door. "COMING!" I yell running down the stairs and tripping on the last step. "Stupid step." I mumble walking over to the door. I turn the knob tentatively and open it all the way revealing a very handsome (as always XD) Danny. "So you're coming?" He asked as soon as I opened the door wiggling his eyebrows. "YOU ARE SUCH A PERVERT!!!" I yell pulling him into a hug. "Yeah...I missed you hills." "me too. And for the record I DO NOT KILL PLANTS" I said stepping back from the hug. He laughed punching my shoulder. "Hills I saw the MTV cribs thing you posted on youtube. HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO KILL THAT LITTLE PLANT?????" He asked literally concerned as we walked into the house. I shrugged. He walked into the living room and lied down on the couch face down. I took the opportunity and lied down on his back. "Are you laying on me Miss Hills?" He asked turning his head to look at me with an eyebrow raised. "And if I am?" I replied with my eyebrow raised as well. He looked deep in thought so I did not expect what he did next. HE ROLLED OVER TO WHERE I FELL ON THE FLOOR!!!! "HEHEHE I POPPED MY FINGER!!!" I yelled at him smacking his shoulder. He was laughing so hard he had tears coming down his cheeks. "I'm sorry!" He yelled between each whack he received from the pillow I was smacking him with. I paused for a second thinking about a collab with him. "Hey Padilla? Want to do a collab with me?" He smiled nodding. He raised his eyebrow. "Hobos?" I thought about it. A cover dressed as a hobo. I have never seen it done before. Sounds good. I smirked and nodded going over to my closet and grabbing my guitar and piano. "What song should we do?" "uh hard knock life?" I snapped my head up. "YASSSSSSSS" I yelled laughing at the end. And with that we started on writing it into A Capella. "Just so you know Dan I am doing your outfit." I said walking back from gathering my make up and out fit for the video. He waved me off and so I went and grabbed some of his old clothes he kept here from when he spent the night. Found it. This is going to be soooo fun. "MUHAHAHA" I laughed evilly failing and laughing at the same time. We work on the video me forgetting about the messages and Stevie completely.

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now