YOU'RE A HOBO?!?! part 2

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Chapter seven of We good...bro? Edited

Published Nov. 22. 2015

*Stevie's pov*

I look up and ally is standing there holding a bouquet of roses. 12 roses. One was red with yellow tips. I smile and look up at the blushing brunette beside me. "Ally....." She furrows her eyebrows. "It's fine if you-" "Of course I'll go on a date with you! Do you know how long I have wanted you to do that?" She smiled and laid the flowers on the table in the corner of the room grabbing my hand. She looked at me as if to ask it that was ok and I just squeezed her hand tighter. She smiled. "Today couldn't get any better." "Well If I didn't fracture my foot it would have been better..." She laughed and kissed the back of my hand once again making me blush.

"So ally...I know you just got here but can you please ask them if you can take me home? I don't like it here it smells like dead people and my neighbor is snoring?!" I said grabbing her hoodies front acting like it was absolute hell here. "Yeah but Stevieson you have to release your death grip on me...." She said giggling. I let go and let her go out the door once again. Sighing I sat up and put my one shoe on. "Well at least they let me keep my clothes on." I mumbled to myself. The tapping started on the door again. "ALLY JUST COME IN!" I yelled at the door making the tapping stop and the door creak open. Ally grabbed the crutches that were sat by the door walking them over to me. "Ready to go?" She asked handing me them."Duh" I said standing up. We walked silently out of the room down the dimly lit hallway to the waiting room. As we walked into it a tall dark haired guy walked up to Ally. "Oh Stevie, Danny. Stevie this is my best friend from highschool Danny Padilla. Danny this is my uhm friend Stevie." I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. She shook her head no. I took out my phone while they were bickering about who was driving and texted Ally. You are gonna explain later right. "Stevie come on I'm driving." Ally yelled from the door. Great she won't be reading that anytime soon. I made my way to the car seeing as I got the backseat all to myself. When we were all in the car I told Ally. "So a mustang huh?" She giggled and nodded yes starting the car. "Stevie we are dropping Padilla off first is that ok?" "Yeah and remember I owe you for calling me boobie in there." I said glaring at her. She laughed it off and turned on the radio. Just as 'oh ms believer' by Twenty one pilots came on. She started singing along with it making me and Danny look at her in awe. "Oh, Miss Believer, my pretty sleeper. Your twisted mind is like snow on the road Your shaking shoulders prove that it's colder. Inside your head than the winter of dead. I will tell you," She looked back at me through the rear view mirror. "I love you But the muffs on your ears will cater your fears My nose and feet are running as we start To travel through snow Together we go Together we go We get colder As we grow older We will walk So much slower Oh, Miss Believer, my pretty weeper Your twisted thoughts are like snow on the rooftops Please, take my hand, we're in foreign land As we travel through snow Together we go Together we go We get colder As we grow older We will walk So much slower..." As the song ended we had arrived at Danny's i'm guessing and she put the car in park. Finally looking at me and Danny, and at the time our jaws were still on the ground, "What?" She asked so innocently I really think that she doesn't know what just happened. Danny shook his head side to side slowly unbuckling and getting out of the car. "WOW. Nothing Hills thanks for the ride see you tomorrow!" He yelled walking off to his door. She turned to look back at me. "What did I do?" Her eyebrows furrowed. "Wow...Your voice is....woah." "OH THAT'S WHAT I DID!! You guys had me worried. Yeah I sing a little bit. I write some songs too. I'm not very good though." "ALLY THAT WAS AMAZING YOU ARE LIKE AN ANGEL?!" I yelled at her still in shock. "Ok ok I have a head ache now. Do you wanna get up front so we can go or are we sleeping in here tonight?" I nod and unbuckled getting out and then getting back in the front seat. "Better?" I asked her once I had buckled my seat belt. She nodded, "So where do you want me to drop you off at? You can stay with me if you want to." "Can I stay with you I don't want to be alone tonight." She nodded starting the car. "My old house it is then!" I raised my eyebrows but kept quiet.

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now