Second date and sucpisions

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Chapter nine of We good...bro? EDITED

Published on Dec. 11. 2015


*Stevie's pov*

I kissed ally. I kissed ally! Oh my god. What even? Oh my god the date was awesome and I was worried that we would be awkward and mess up our friendship because of this. Boy was I wrong. Instead of going to the abbey which I had expected for us to be at; we went to a cliff side and had a picnic filled with us talking, well in my case flirting and making her blush, and her singing to me. We even slow danced to a song whats it called? Oh right marry me. Duh well we slow danced to it even though it really isn't a song to be slow danced to. We are still on the cliff side right now and it is getting pretty dark. We are laying on the blankets and I am cuddled into her side watching the sun while she is tracing her finger over my tattoo. As my eyelids start to droop. 


I heard her voice and felt her chest vibrate from her talking. "Stevie don't go to sleep the sun is setting and it's beautiful.." I gave her a second and just as I was about to speak I heard her whisper to me, "Not as beautiful as you though." She placed a kiss to the top of my head and started to stand up making me whine. I then noticed that she had her phone out and was going to take a picture of the sunset. I got behind her and took out my phone, sneakily taking a picture of her taking a picture of the sunset. I put it on Instagram with the caption 'She is taking a picture of the center of our world; I am taking a picture of the center of my world.'  I giggled and meant to whisper, 'inception' but instead I said it loud enough for Ally to hear. "What about inception?" She asked snapping one last picture and looking over her shoulder smiling at me. "Oh um nothing." I replied sneaking my phone into my purse. She nodded and walked over to me picking my hand up and playing with my finger. I watched as she moved our hands and then intertwined them. Looking up smiling my lips were met with a pair of softer pink ones. I smiled and un-hooked our hands and wrapped mine around the back of her neck and tangled one into her hair. She smiled and pulled away smiling regretfully. I leaned in and kissed her again and just as her tongue grazed my bottom lip asking for entrance I pulled away. Leaving a dumbstruck Ally to glare at me. "If you want a kiss then play me a song." I stated seriously putting my hands on my hips. Before she could protest I put my finger up and started talking again. "I want to hear you sing you always wait until I am in the shower or until I am asleep. You sang in front of me on the way home from the hospital why not now. It would be really sweet." To convince her while I was talking I went over to the blanket which she had sat down on and straddled her looking into her eyes when I was finished. She leaned up and tried to catch my lips. I leaned down and whispered in the most seductive way I can into her ear, "Not until you sing." Finishing I licked her ear and stood up going over to grab her guitar and piano. She grunted and took the piano. She started playing a song and it took her a second to start and I knew what song It was. I remember watching it when she was passed out that one night. It was best feelings and it was better when she sings it in person I promise. I watched as she sang. I was in awe. Her eyes. The way she furrows her eyebrows when she looks for a key on the piano. The way her voice just flows out. The way she would 'nonchalantly' look up and smile at me.  When she was done I crawled over to her and moved the piano out of my way. I looked at her and smiled. "That was sooo good pretty." She quirked her left eyebrow and shook her head no. Grabbing me and pulling me in by the back of the neck she kissed me. Like she was going to lose me? I mean I loved that I was kissing her it was just that she was scaring me and I didn't want to take things to fast for her. I pulled back slowly watching as she still had her eyes closed and how she was smiling while her forehead was leaned against mine. All of the sudden she was on her feet rubbing her lips off with her sleeve like she had eaten something disgusting and it was still on her lips. I stood up and started to walk over to her. "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME STEVIE!" She yelled still rubbing her lips off "What did I do?" "YOU KISSED ME! NOT ON THE CHEEK BUT ON THE LIPS!" She said with the most disgusted look on her face. "Ally I thought you were gay!" "GAY! HA! How could someone like me ever like someone like you?" She said with a venom laced voice. I couldn't stop the tears that were free falling now. "Wha?" I was crying as hard as I could even think possible. "stevie....Stevie! STEVIE"

(End of DREAM)

I woke up to a very worried ally holding me. "What is wrong beautiful?" I looked at her and the tears started again. "hey hey hey its okay its okay we don't have to talk about it." She whispered pulling me into a hug and rubbing my back. I couldn't calm down. I had to see what her reaction would be if I kissed her. I pulled away and she furrowed her eyebrows. I leaned in and kissed her. Hard. She smiled against my lips and kissed back just as hard as we were kissing my tears kept coming. She pulled away and lifted up my chin running her thumbs over my cheeks to clear the tears away. "Stevie it was just a dream okay? What ever it was it was just a dream. I am here and I am not leaving you at all." I smiled and hugged her as tight as I could. We laid back on the blanket and cuddled. I didn't dare go near the singing again besides she had sang already and it was amazing. I then had a thought. "Hey ally?" I got a 'hmm' as a response. "Do you want to be my girlfriend." She didn't say or do anything for a second which got me worried. She tilted my head up and looked at me. She leaned down and kissed me short and soft. I wasn't ready for her to stop kissing me so I pulled her back in which she automatically obliged.  She pulled away when we ran out of air. I caught my breath and asked, "So is that a yes?" She rolled her eyes. "Of course you dork!"



Hey guys it is short I know but there will be two other chapters out this week I just wanted to get this one out because it is ally's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! go wish her a happy birthday on everything if you already haven't As always don't forget to vote on the story to get a chapter dedicated to you




keep being you your awesome.


We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now