Ally will you.....WTF?!

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Chapter eleven of We good...bro? Edited

Published on Dec 23 2015 


*Ally's pov*

I woke up at ten and was surprised that I was wide awake and not tired and slumping around my parents house. I went over to Al's house and packed up all of my things because she wanted to have a different roommate. I understood because I am never there but it still kind of hurt because she was kicking me out but I could see she was hiding something. I drove back to my parents and put all of my things inside and brought my box of clothes to my bedroom that my parents never changed after I moved out. I grabbed a towel and hopped into the shower scrubbing my body and washing my hair quickly. I wrapped the towel around my body and went into my bedroom I dried my body and dropped my towel knowing no one was home; or so I thought; and started to find a dress. I grabbed a pair of underwear and boxers, yes both, and was about to put them on when I felt a pair of arms around my waist and a pair of lips against my neck. I was overwhelmed with the smell of vanilla and I knew it was my beautiful girlfriend. I then thought about how we had not been this far yet. I turned around and covered myself. Connecting our lips for a second I then realized I was still completely exposed. "What the fuck STEVIE GET OUT!!" She pouted and then bit her lip looking at me. The lust in her eyes was evident and it made me have goose bumps. 

She knew it drove me crazy when she did that. She took a step closer and placed her soft hand onto my cheek and looked into my eyes before they went down to my lips.  I gave in and pressed my lips to hers. I wanted to take it slow so I took the kiss to a whole new level of slow slower than we had ever reached before. She pulled away and took off her jacket slowly never taking her eyes off of my body she stepped back to me reconnected our lips. My hands had by now traveled from her shoulders and down her torso, my fingertips grazing over her boobs and stomach, and landed on her waist. She smiled against my lips and continued to kiss me slowly and softly. I had taken off her shirt and pants leaving her in her bra and underwear. I started to lead her backwards towards the bed and she let me lead her never breaking our loving kiss. The bed had hit the back of her legs and we fell onto the bed. Me on top of her but I caught myself before I fell on her. She chuckled and I smiled loving to hear her laugh. I leaned down to kiss her with a smile left on both of our faces. She sat up and I straddled her making her roll her eyes. I started to kiss the corner of her lips, her cheek, her jawline, and starting to move down her neck and I started to kiss and suck her neck I kept doing this until I heard a moan come from her. I smirked against her skin and bit down rolling her skin gently between my teeth. She moaned again I kept doing this and reached around her to her back and unbuckled her bra. She helped me pull it off and once it was off and on the other side of the room she flipped us over so that she was on top. "Oh Ally the teasing......You made the worst mistake of your life." I smiled as she smirked and leant down to kiss my lips. She got off and stood beside the bed and started to make a show of her taking her boy shorts off. I stared at her body. My eyes traveled from her eyes down to her lips which I have kissed so many times to her neck where the love bites were clearly forming and to her perfect chest down her stomach to-"Ally....I love you are you sure you want to do this right now?" She didn't know what she just said I could tell but it caught my attention and my eyes grew wide. She looked at me like I was crazy and then it had to have hit her because her eyes grew bigger and she slapped a hand over her lips. "I-I-I mean I jus-" I cut her off with a kiss and then she relaxed into the kiss. "Stevie I love you too I just thought it was too soon to say it so hearing you say it made me very happy just like you have since I met you. And you are right maybe we should wait until tonight you owe me a date." She chuckled and kissed me hard and pulled away. She held out her pinky and I intertwined our pinkys together and nodded she shook it. I giggled and kissed her forehead before going over to my clothes and starting to get dressed with my girlfriend watching my every move. 

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now