I am ready I promise

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Chapter one of We good...bro? Edited

Published on Nov. 12 2015. (sorry it is a day late editing took longer than thought)

(Warning talks about the death of a character in detail kinda-sorta)

*ally's pov*

Today is the eighth month that I have made it without Lucy. I miss her, i should have tried to give her what she was giving me. Why do i have to be so damn stupid all of the time. I caught myself looking at our messages again last night. The last message I sent to her was.....it's heart breaking to know i am the reason why she is gone. Well everyone else seems to think that I am not the cause but I know I am.

(flashback to the day)

(l for lucy a for ally)

L: hi ally

a: hey girl whats up?

l: I really miss you....

a: look luce I told you I can't be with you. I can't give you what you deserve and quite frankly I didn't really ever love you that way. I tried I really did but I think it is time for you to move on.

l:I will love you for the rest of my life I can't move on...

a:good bye lucy

(end of convo)

That was the last thing I said to her ever. A week later al went over there to meet her and she didn't answer her so she used the spare key to get in...when she did she found a suicide letter dated from that morning. She couldn't read it she called me before the police. I ran over there and held al while I was crying so bad I couldn't do anything but blame myself the only thing I have thought since then is it is my fault I could have tried to love her. They took her away in the ambulance and I had a letter addressed directly to me no one else.

Dear ally,

I know that you cannot love me the way I want you to. I really cannot live without you. You are my true love. I mean you are any and everybody's. You're perfect. You are smart, funny, gorgeous, and faithful. I knew you didn't love me as more than a friend when we started dating and even at our sixth month anniversary you still didn't feel the same. I had my hopes so high that you would find that you love me as much as I love you. The funny thing is you always did everything in your power to make sure I was happy and that I was safe. You did what I thought you would and to tell you the truth I thought that one day we were going to get married thats why after 3 years of us being together it really struck me hard when you said it wasn't working anymore. I love you and even then I never stopped and I guess that lead to you wanting to keep space between us. Don't blame yourself for this, I want you to be happy and I don't want to be in your way of being happy anymore. Please don't cry over me love. I want you to be happy and in the future you will find your princess charming. She will be everything to you that you were to me. You guys will get married and have those kids you always talked about wanting. I love you and please don't blame yourself beautiful. I will always be watching you from above I will always be by your side until you find your mrs. right.

yours only,


(end of flashback)

Ever since I read that it has been hard to find a night that I do not have a nightmare. That's ok Al has set up a brunch with some of our friends and her cousin. I need to get a good night's sleep for once I think I am ready. I send al a text assuring her I will be there tomorrow and that I am finally ready.

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now