Second date and suspicions part 2

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Chapter ten of We good...bro? Edited

Published Dec. 13. 2015 (WRITTEN IN ALGEBRA CLASS SO FEEL LUCKY! Jk I had free time in that class and this is what I did he didn't mind.)

*Ally's pov*

The date was pretty awesome I mean besides when she had a nightmare. She still won't talk about it and it has been a week. Speaking of the date I want to take my beautiful girlfriend on a second date. "STEVIE!" I yelled as she was tickling me making both of us giggle. She finally stopped and was still giggling. "yus?" She asked playing it off like she was not just tickling me and making me laugh hysterically. "Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" Her smile went away and she looked sad almost. "I can't I promised Riley I would hang out with her tonight." My heart literally stopped when she talked about Riley. I mean I have the right to be jealous. They were together for 4 years like seriously. "oh. okay." I got up and walked into the living room. I decided to have an OITNB marathon by myself. And yes Stevie is staying with me at my parents. And before you ask NO WE HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING. Besides I don't want to rush our relationship. We still haven't gone public besides to my family and our close friends. (A/N The Instagram Stevie posted the picture on was a private one not the one she posts EVERYTHING on. I don't really think she did post that photo anyways I think it was just the dream. Idk anymore I think I fried my brain cells DERP :P)  "Ally I'm going to go now ok?" I nodded and waved my hand over my shoulder. Not wanting to say my thoughts out loud until she was gone. I heard a car door close. "I love you Stevie." I laid on the couch and thought about maybe I should surprise Stevie.

*Stevie's pov*

Me and Riley had made plans a couple weeks ago to meet up and do the video explaining that me and her were not together anymore. I denied a date with Ally for this so before I go back to where we are staying at for the time being, we don't want to go back to Al's and my apartment is too small, I am going to pick her up some things. This better go fast because to be honest I miss Ally already and it has only been 15 minutes. I am driving and surprisingly I didn't hit any red lights. I arrived at my old house and Riley's current house. Yes I still need to get my stuff out that's what I am doing today. I called her and told her to open the door while I grabbed the camera and my crutches. Making my way up the nice concrete steps, and I say nice because they are level and are easy to get up using crutches, and she is already standing at the door smiling at me. Her blonde hair was up in a messy bun and she wasn't wearing any makeup not that she normally wore makeup. "Hi Stevie." She gave me a side hug and we walked into the living room and passed all of my boxes that we are moving to my apartment today. I sat down on the sofa and told her where to set up my camera. She did as told and sat next to me when she was done. She looked at me with an eyebrow raised. I let out a breath and looked at her, "Let's do this." As soon as we finished I texted Ally. 

S: Hey hope you are having fun I miss you. I'll be back in a couple hours.

A: I miss you too. But it is kinda lonely. HURRRYYYYY UPPPPPPPPP. :P

I put my phone away and I looked at Riley. "Ready to move?" She nodded and helped me up. Once all of the boxes were in the truck we drove the 6 miles to my new apartment. I grabbed a box and loaded it onto the dolly. Stacking them on top of each other I got it to my door. It took a few trips to the truck and we had everything there. All I needed to do was go get some furniture and I would be done. I have a bed and that's good enough for now. We drove back to her house in silence. "Thanks for helping me Riley. I'll have the video up by midnight." She nodded I gave her a hug and left. I drove to a floral shop and picked up a bouquet of roses and I picked up a few, and by few I mean like 8 we drank all of the wine that was at the house, bottles of red wine. I drove to her parents house. I shut the door to my truck as quietly as I could and opened the door to the house. On the ride here I decided that I was going to ask Ally to come live with me at my new apartment.  I saw the cutest sight ever. Ally asleep on the couch holding a pillow tightly to her chest. I decided that I would just let her sleep so I took the roses to her bedroom and placed them on her bed along with the jacket she let me borrow today. I wrote a note and stuck it on the table in front of her. 

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now