Chapter 3

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I woke from the grass and noticed I was still in the Field. I should be home now, what are my parents going to say? They'd be home by now and I've missed all my afternoon classes. Great. I picked up my school bag and rushed it on my back before running home. I'm really hoping there is no one around to see where I'm coming from, I don't want anyone to find out about the Field. 


I opened the front door slowly and quietly, I hope my parents are sleeping. I closed it and slid my shoes off and ran up the stairs quietly to my room and locked the door. The reflection of my face in the mirror was horrid. I changed clothes and got into bed grabbing my laptop out from underneath my bed. 

I was drawn to go straight to my twitter to see if I got anymore tweets or something. I scrolled through my mentions and found nothing new but the last things he'd sent. I had a direct message and I couldn't wait to check it and sure enough it was from Phil and of course I had to contain my excitement in low volume. 

 hello Dan! thanks for watching my videos it means a lot and I'd like to start talking to you :)

It's pretty much what he said in his tweets but it still made me smile and blush uncontrollably. I wasn't sure what to write back, I'm left speechless. Why would he want to meet me of all people who watch his videos? I'm just some kid who has nothing to do with his life. 

 I wasn't even sure how to respond, "you're welcome and thanks :D I can't believe you're talking to me now" as stupid as it sounds it was true so I just sent it anyways and waited for a response.

I heard my parents arguing downstairs, most likely about something stupid and I wish they would just stop, I wish for a lot of things but most of them are based around my parents, where I live, school, people form school, and getting away from this place. I just want everyone to leave me alone, to stop bullying me, to stop harassing me, but you know you have to be careful what you wish for and watch what you say. I don't really care, I just need to get away, the Field helps but it's only temporary. I still have to come back to face my parents, to face the guys at school, the annoying girls who push me around the school halls, and people who anonymously send me hate over the Internet. 

 It'll be over soon, Dan, I promise myself. It will.

I had another DM so I didn't wait to check it to see it was form Phil, my smile widened and my face started heating up. I can't believe he's talking to me.

So how are you Dan??

"I'm fine thanks how are you?" sounds boring but small talk will work, I'm still talking to him, I just hope he doesn't get bored of me.

I'm great, thanks! how did you find my videos? 

How did I find his videos? "I don't remember, I just made my way there I guess haha". 

Awesome! Do you make any videos?

"I really want to, but I have nothing to say, nothing to do or anything else really."

Just try it! You might like it and you'll come up with ideas soon enough

"Really? thanks! I'll try, I only have a webcam camera though sadly :("

That's fine! Let me know when you finish and upload it, I want to see!

I was actually excited yet embarrassed I only had a webcam, not some nice camera, but I guess it'll have to do. But, what am I suppose to say? I barely talk in real life and you want me to talk in front of a camera, in my empty room, and post it on the Internet for millions of people to see? This is discomforting. 

I kept staring at the screen. I can't believe the Amazing Phil is talking to me, well direct messaging me. He wants me to make a video, well I guess I should try it at least. 

My excitement started as I turned on the webcam and was nervous to start recording. I don't even know how to edit. 


So after I finished it and tried my best to edit and be interesting, I pressed the upload button to youtube. I didn't really mention Phil, I just said that some really good friends I made recently persuaded me to give it a shot. 

It uploaded and I sent the link to Phil nervously, I'm hoping he won't think I'm weird or not interesting or weird looking or I don't know. I was smiling like an idiot while waiting for him to reply until I looked around my room. My smile faded. 

Phil is he only person who can put a smile on my face, and he is the only reason for the smile. He's over the Internet and he has no idea what I go through on a daily basis, what people call me, what they do to me, what my parents think or do to me, he knows none of it. I won't tell him, I can't. I'm happy thinking that I'm talking to him now, but when I look around, reality hits me, and I'm so upset with everything, this is my only getaway. I know what I have to do.

 a/n: I'm aware the chapters are short, it's going to be a short fic overall so I thought I'd just spread it out a bit? also I'm running out of ideas, which is why it's a short fic, will have, highest, 7-10 chapters? Maybe more but I'm not sure yet. Thank you for reading!

Adorable 2009 Phan is my favorite aww  (◕ω◕✿)

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