Chapter 7

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I pulled out my laptop that I had in my book bag and wondered if I should record a short video. It would be my second one and my first was uploaded about a month or so ago.

I peeked over the small railing and noticed there wasn't that many people as before. I opened my laptop and decided to just go for it.

"Hellooooooo, this is my second video! I know I suck at making them but that's not important to me anymore, they're just fun." I smiled at the camera. "So, I've made a few new friends recently, one being a guy named Adam, another being a girl named Gemma, well not sure if we're actually friends yet but sure, whatever. And yeah that's mainly it." I silently think to myself.

"So anyways, I found a new favourite place, it's this coffee shop I'm sitting in and it's so cozy and comfortable and it smells nice and it's friendly and ah I love it." I let out a natural laugh escape my mouth and it felt good to not force it.

"I don't even know if anyone watches these, and I don't even care really because it just feels good to have someone to talk to. I mean, yeah I can talk to Adam about anything but it feels good to talk to people that I don't know, about everything. Does that make sense? I hope so."

I look around and my eyes catch on my hot drink. I hold it up for the camera to see, "I ordered a cafe mocha for the first time today and it is soooo good, I don't know why I've never tried it before.Yeah that's kind of all I have to say for now, I'll try to make more videos when ever I get the chance, it's hard because I'm still in school and I have a part time job too so. I'll get to it. So yeah, BYEEEEE! I'll talk to you later." I smile a genuine smile and I stop recording.

I smile more to myself as I rewatch it and feel weight drop off my shoulders. I get that it's not a high quality video, but you see me sitting on a couch with a coffee and warm brown walls behind me and I look comfortable and happy for once. My smile was actually real.

I hit upload and close my laptop and shove it back in my bag.

I took a sip of my drink and put it down on the coffee table, thinking of what to get done now. I could have done school work but I didn't bring it with me.

I unplug my phone and lay across the couch spreading out in my newfound bed. It was more comfortable than my bed at home, especially knowing my parents aren't around here made me feel a lot better.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and checked the time. It's been about 45 minutes since I've ran out of the school.

I heard the bell of the cafe and a familiar voice I couldn't place. I knew the voice from somewhere and it's itching my mind that I can't remember who it belongs to. I sit up a bit leaning on my elbows trying to see over the balcony, but I can't see the person, which doesn't help at all. I decide to just lay back and try to listen to their voice.

"Hello, I was wondering if you've seen, uh, a boy like six foot with brown hair?"

My breathing becomes irrational all of a sudden. Was this person looking for me?

I try to sit up again to hear what the barista would say.

"He stopped in but he left. Do you know his name?"

"His name is Dan."

It can't be Adam, can it?

I mean, yeah I know Adam's voice, but I can't remember how it sounds when hearing this guy talk. Maybe it was Adam coming back to apologize or something. What would he even have to apologize for? I'm the one who should be apologizing to him. I finally get a friend and I treat him like shit. I'm not good with people and that's usually why I'm always alone.

"Dan... Dan." The barista is thinking aloud trying to remember meeting "a Dan".

"Yeah, he might have left." I know by his voice change that he shrugged. "You want to leave a message for 'em? He might be back tomorrow, this is his favourite place."

I blush madly knowing that of course he had to hear me filming, next time I shouldn't talk so loud. I mentally face palmed and sat back thinking of the voice again.

"Actually you can just tell him I stopped by or something. I may or may not be back tomorrow, I'll see how it goes."

"Alright, you mind leaving your name?"

I felt my heart beat fasten at the fact I would finally find out the person's name.

"Uh... Actually you know what, I'll stop by tomorrow."

"Well, alright then, see ya!"

The bell rang again and I fell back hard against the leather and sighed. I guess I'll have to ditch again tomorrow to find out their name.

"Some guy was looking for you." I looked up to see the barista standing at the foot of the couch. "I told him you left though, I didn't think you would want to talk to anyone." He smiled.

"I heard." I say up pulling my knees under my chin and wrapping my arms around my legs. "Who was it?"

"No name. Some guy with dark hair, kind if tall."


"Anything else?" I felt eager to know who it was and his description for the guy was too vague to figure it out.

"Uh, I think he had blue eyes?" He says pointing to his own. It came out more like a question but I didn't push him about it. "Northern accent." He rubbed his face in annoyance and walked back to the stairs. "He'll be back tomorrow."

"Guess I'm ditching again tomorrow, eh?" I joke and hear him laugh.

So it can't possibly have been Adam. Adam has brown eyes and now that I think if it, it was definitely not his voice. But why was it so familiar?

Blue eyes, blue eyes. Who has blue eyes? I know zero people with blue eyes besides the barista and I don't even know his name yet. I'll have to ask him for it eventually.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and see I have a text from Adam and a twitter message from Phil. The person couldn't have been Phil could it have? Northern accent, blue eyes, dark hair. No, he wouldn't be around here by any chance. It was a coincidence.

I decide to open them when I get home so I pack up my stuff and head out when I get stopped by the barista.

"Hey are you really coming back tomorrow?" He grabs my wrist lightly.

"I'm not sure, maybe after school."

He smiles and blushes slightly. "Okay, see you tomorrow."

I smile back and turn to leave when I get pulled back. I turn around to see him red in embarrassment and he immediately lets go of my wrist.

"Sorry. Oh my god, I'm sorry." He gives a nervous laugh and I just want to hug him for being adorable.

"It's fine." I smile again and he lowers his head blushing a bright pink. "What do you say, I told you my name it's only fair you tell me yours."

He looks up and smiles genuinely, pointing to his nametag that I somehow missed. "I'm Aaron."

(a/n): aaron and adam are totally fictional. they are original characters I made up myself. i thought i should say that.

this chapter isn't much but hey I'm like really busy now ah. also I've been posting other works. check them out please they're only oneshots but I really like them.

thanks for reading, I love you

lowercase intended.

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