Chapter 10: part 2.

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the night.

After having a great day exploring town and shopping with Phil, they decided on both heading back to Aaron's flat so Phil could get to know both Aaron and Adam a bit better, along with Dan himself.

Gemma wasn't coming over until later in the evening so they just had a guys day in. Which consisted of just playing video games until they were hungry and then ordered a pizza.

But when Gemma did show up with the alcohol, Phil got anxious, Dan felt relieved, and Adam and Aaron were both excited and amused.

Gemma gave a bone crushing hug to Dan and he whispered, "took you long enough." And she just laughed and pushed him away.

Adam suggested shots but Gemma just wanted to relax after her long day. Dan had given Phil a beer as he took one for himself.

"So, these are my friends. You met Adam, he's my best friend, not really sure how we're best friends as we don't have much in common but he's a great friend, so I keep him. Aaron, I met him at this one coffee shop that I love and he just happens to work there, so, oh and there's this story of Aaron and Adam going to school together and liking each other and when I brought Adam to the coffee shop he was pining so hard, Jesus Christ. So now they're dating, that's that. Gemma, she's pretty cool, she's one of my favourites, not much to say about her she's just naturally great." Dan whispered across to Phil while pointing each friend out.

"Gotcha. Who did you become friends with first, then? Adam or Gemma?"

Dan thought maybe he was just unsure of what to talk about at all, and that's quite obviously what it was. So because Phil was nervous, and he wanted to be Phil's friend, he had to make conversation with him so he wouldn't feel left out.

"I actually met Adam first, in the worst case scenario. My first impression was that, God, this guy is such a big shot, he's obviously trying to get into my head or he's too dumb to come up with a great comeback. He just followed me around until I let him be my friend." Dan took a deep breath, remembering exactly how he met Adam and remembering the neediness of Adam wanting and trying to be Dan's friend. Dan smiled at the memories of not-so-long-ago.

"What was the worst case scenario, then? We're you in the middle of being mobbed or being attacked by a lion at the zoo?"

Dan's head snapped up to Phil, "What!? Oh my god." And then they just laughed for who knows how long.

"Nothing like that, I can assure you."

"Well, go on then."

"I was bullied. And it just happened to be one of those moments when I was getting beat up in the schools hallway, that Adam-"

"ONE? ONE OF THOSE MOMENTS? You got- you were?"

"Would you let me finish?"

"Yes, go on."

"Adam just happened to be in the right place, at the right time to catch a glimpse of the scene, to put a stop to it, and make sure I was okay. Honestly, I thought he was one of the jocks' friends so I didn't trust him at first. He is a soccer player but man, I owe him my life."

Phil's expression was clouded in confusion and remorse and he wasn't exactly sure what to say, he didn't know how to comfort people and since he had pondered the questions on top of Dan, he felt awful for making him have to remember and retell those moments.

"Hey, I'm fine now okay? Don't worry about it." Dan laughed patted Phil on the back trying to make Phil realize that he is okay, he's fine now and he doesn't need pity for something that happened a while ago.

"I'm sorry for asking the questions, I uh. Didn't quite think that's what would have happened. I feel awful now."

"Hey it's fine, we're friends now, aren't we? Be a little helpful if you knew part of my past anyways, right? Since we're friends and all." Dan smiled and patted his back again, because in forms of comfort he could only speak. He wasn't sure what to do with his hands, they usually just trembled or hid behind his back or stuck by his side.

Phil's face seemed to clear up and he was slowly smiling. "Well I'm glad you're fine now." He gave Dan a full smile and patted his leg.

"So what's going on here then? You gonna join the party you created?" Aaron came over and kneeled in front of Dan.

Dan just laughed and got up, stretching, and deciding to move closer to his friends.

"Might as well."

Aaron laughed and moved back away.

Dan turned back to Phil and took his hand in his, hoping to be a little more reassuring with him in front of his friends, but Phil must've thought differently. He blushed. And that's when Dan's heart burst a little his his chest, and without even realizing it, he had a smug smirk on his face while he guided him over to his friends.

And as the night went on, everyone grew fond of each other. Adam and Phil seemed to be telling secrets about Dan, while Dan and Aaron seemed to be laughing at Gemma burping so much.

Every so often when Dan would turn to get a glimpse of Phil to see how he's doing, he would always get a sparkle in his eyes and that burst in his heart.

He wasn't sure why it was there, but he enjoyed it. And that was the start of something beautiful.


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