1-May the odds be ever in your favour

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Dedicated to Alexs4ever, who made me want to write this :)


I smooth down the ruffles in my dress. I don't look like me. My hair is down in it's natural red waves and I have a dress on for once. It's quite simple, it's off-white and sleeveless. I give my dad a quick hug, both of us hoping for the best, and leave for the District centre for the Reaping.

As I stand in the crowd, a sense of calm falls over me. Everyone else is so fidgety, so nervous. But it happens every year. My brother Talon was reaped three years ago when he was sixteen, and came second overall, which hurt just a little more, but I have learnt to accept. My mother commited suicide two years ago due to depression, so only my father stands in the wings, hoping I'll be safe for another year. I'm fifteen. It's only when a Capital woman I recognise as Effie Trinket walks across the stage do I know the Reaping has begun.

''And now, ladies first, obviously!' Effie giggled, twirling her hand to and fro above the glossy glass bowl that holds everyone in it's future. I look around to see my Father close his eyes. I mirror him.

'Finch Alinta.' She announces clearly. For a second I pause, waiting for Finch Alinta to reveal herself. Then I realise, I can't. I'ts me and I'm frozen solid. 'Finch?' Effie calls again. I can feel eyes glaring into my skin, but my body still refuses to move. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Next thing I know, a man shouts my name. Dad. And all at once, a shiver runs down my spine and my limbs are functioning again. I take a steady step forward and again and again until i'm stood side by side with Effie. 'Finch Alinta everyone!' She says, giving me a sad, yet reassuring smile. Not one person claps.  Effie gives a little sigh and continues the Reaping for the boys. All I care about is my father. My eyes are scanning the vast crowd but he isn't there. He's gone. The boy is called up. I don't recognise him, though he looks my age. 

'Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favour!' Effie then says, making me want to slap her across her highly decorated face.

***End of chapter 1

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