15-Nightlock Berries

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Clove's body lies still on the ground. There is no blood, so it looks like she could still be sleeping. Her eyes are open and an expression of shock and terror is planted upon her face. I remember how I heard her scream my name. At first I thought it might be Finch, but then I saw Thresh and Bratniss running away from a body that was not Finch's.

I may not have loved her like I love Finch, but it was still horrific to see her sprawled out on the grass in such a way. I told her to stay with me as the rising all falling of her chest decreased, I apologised for making her leave, for not helping her. Only when the cannon went off did I know she was truly gone.

Thresh took the pack I needed to survive. I feel betrayed, lonely and depressive. Katniss and Peeta have a tiny pack to share, Thresh has a two huge ones to himself and Finch has a medium-sized one, while I have nothing.

At least I have a spear that was left in the woods. Only District 12 and Thresh stand in my way. I can go find Finch, and we can be together, just like we promised!

The rumbling of clouds over my head brings me sadly back to earth and I run for cover into the trees where Finch headed.



I always knew it was a bad idea. I should never have stayed to wait for Cato. He never knew I was there, that's why he sat pleading at Clove's deathbed. As he knelt by her side, crying, I felt my own vision fog with tears. Perhaps it was always his intention to win with Clove, or perhaps i'm just saying what I cant bear to hear from anyone else.

I sorely hope no-one saw me sat by the outskirts of the trees sobbing.

The rain is falling warm and heavy, leaving the ground soggy and difficult to run on. I hide away in the treetops as I usually do, keeping a look-out for any tributes. I no longer need to hunt or set snares, thanks to my green backpack. It was full to the brim with cakes, fish, bread and other delicious treasures that haven't been snatched up by my hungry fingers yet. 

I can feel my eyelids drooping, and this time it's not thanks to Valerian tree moss. I'm so tired and my eyes feel sore and red from crying. Maybe i'll just go to sleep, and when I wake up i'll be the last one alive. I can forget all about him. Well, I can't. Maybe if I go looking for him, I can say my goodbyes. Yeah, I'll do that. In the morning, of course.



For the first time in days, I wake to the sound of a cannon. It startles me, and I almost loose my grip on my treetop bed.

I think of the possibilities of the cannon.

Thresh has double the supplies as everyone else. Katniss and Peeta are nowhere to be seen and good hunters. Cato has no supplies nor allies. 

Maybe the storm has something to do with it. It's chucking it down, and despite the water-proof jacket and trousers, I'm soaked, and I can feel my skin stick to the clothing clammily.

I imagine Cato drenched, sat on the forest floor. He could easily catch Hypothermia, and to be fair, so could I.

Shrugging off some rain, I climb down the tree in search of Cato. I know I should be angry and jealous, but all I can feel is that Cato is alone and needs me. Feelings can wait.


After a fruitless search, I collapse by a small cave by the lake. I wish i'd found it earlier, as the storm seems to be dying down now, but i'm still sopping wet and extremely uncomfortable. It's night now, you can tell by the chirping of bugs and of course, the sky.

Speaking of the sky, it must be near the time when the Capital reveal who died. As if on cue, the anthem of Panem plays, as usual, and I see Thresh's bold face staring at me from up in the sky. 'Thresh?' I think, 'He had all the supplies and everything!' I know this must be something to do with the Capital. No offense to Cato, but he couldn't have killed Thresh. He was huge and built like a brick wall! And I can hardly imagine Katniss and Peeta having anything to do with this.

I crawl to the back of the cave. Thanks to the huge boulder in front of it, it's practically invisible, and perfect for me. I thank the Capital for the fact that the cave is virtually dry, and start to eat a little. I fall asleep late in the night, breadcrumbs and fish-bones scattered across my body.

When I wake up, it's short into the afternoon and the weather is perfect. The ground is still a little soggy as I sneak around the forest, but not so bad, and everything else is pretty dry. I'm returning to my search for Cato, see. After a failed attempt at setting a snare for a rabbit, I dismiss hunting and carry on. 

It's almost two hours later that I find a single sign of human life. And they're pretty good signs, too. I'm by the complete other end of the river, over in the trees are Katniss and Peeta. His leg looks a little way from recovery, but still sore. I struggle to hear what they're saying because of the sound of rushing water nearby.

'Katniss,' Peeta says. “We need to split up. I'm chasing away the game.”

'Only because your leg’s hurt.' Katniss replies.

“I know,” he says. “So, why don’t you go on? Show me some plants to gather and that way-' The end is cut off by more water sounds.

'Not if --- you.' Katniss says and I silently curse my hearing.

I hear Peeta's laugh, followed by something that sounds like 'Look, I ---- Cato,' Peeta speaks proudly. I try to lean in, hoping to hear some news about my Cato. But I can't hear. The water seems heavier now, and the only way I'd know what Peeta did to Cato is if I jumped out and asked him.

After a few minutes of mumbles (Thanks river!), Katniss leaves. Peeta looks around boredly, looking for food.

I have to scramble away as silently as possible when Peeta steps beside where I was hiding, reaching for a branch of berries. The stream rushes behind me.

I instantly recognise them as Nightlock, one of the most poisonous berries in the whole of Panem. But Peeta doesn't. He grabs a handful.

He's just metres away as he sits to wait for Katniss now. He turns, and I grab a piece of his fresh cheese without him noticing.

Then he mutters something that confirms everything I've feared.

'Cato'll be dead soon,' I withhold a gasp as he continues, though the stream rushes louder than ever. 'He deserves everything he --'

He deserves everything he got. That's what he must have meant to say. Peeta killed him. He must have. I remember how proud he sounded when he said 'Look, I ---- Cato,' Peeta killed my Cato.

And suddenly, I'm numb. My arms are stiff as well as my legs, and even the sound of Peeta humming nearby doesn't awake me from the trance. 

Suddenly, I feel alone. Peeta can win for all I care, and Katniss. They'll be together. The star-crossed lovers that lived.

Cato and I were the star-crossed lovers who didn't make it out together. Like we promised

Without getting Peeta's attention, I grab a handful of Nightlock berries. The poisonous juices swim in my hands, and without another word, with only a thought, I swallow them.

'I love you Cato' Is my last painful thought. Minutes later I painlessly drop to the ground. Everything goes dark.


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