5-But I can't help it

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I move around to different stations, trying to look capable, and yet trying to ignore Glimmer's glares. As I start to try my hand at camoflague skills, I notice a little pink doodle made with some of the paint.

'Cato and Foxface <3'  I read in a whisper. Foxface? Is that supposed to be me? I blush a bit more. Luckily the paint is still wet so I smudge it until it's unrecognisable. I paint my hand for a while more, not too long, I mean, after all, no-one's going to notice that the floor is slightly smudged.

And finally, by the end of the session I had a painted tree arm, a bruise on both elbows for falling funny, A blister or three from the climbing ropes and a recognised bad aim. 

Tomorrow I have another training session. On day three of training,  they start to call us out of lunch for our private sessions with the Gamemakers. District by district, first the boy, then the girl tribute. 


The next day I prepare myself for another day of training. I'm going to focus on power or stamina today, seen as it's achievable. I pull on some clothes I set out the day before, and tie my hair in two fox-ear buns. Call me Foxface. I dare you. I presisely apply a little lipgloss, it's hardly noticable, but it gives me a bit of extra confidence, for whatever reason. Just as I whisk on my shoes, there is a knock on the door. I ponder on who it is. Larissa often sleeps in, as do my stylists. Doran doesn't pay me any attention whatsoever. I don't think other District's tributes are allowed on our floor, but I'm not sure. Peacekeepers only visit if you're in trouble. I gulp and stride forwards toward the door which continues to knock.

'Hello.' Hisses a girl I recognise as Clove from District 2.

'Hey, I was just about to leave..' I say curiously. Her face portrays pure thunder. All of a sudden, I am pinned up against my bedroom wall by the freckled girl's arms holding mine, with a fierce look in her eyes. She may be small, but my limbs refuse to move against the pressure she applys. 'I don't know if  what's going on between you and Cato is true, but if you ever send me a single word again, I will knife you, right here, Hunger Games or not.' She states. I know this is the utter truth. But I am confused. What does she mean If I ever send her a single word again.? I have done nothing of the sort.

'I haven't sent you anything, I don't even know you..' I say, choking on my own air. Her expression does not falter, but she releases me from her powerful grip, and I rub at my wrists. Clove scrambles around in her pocket for a second before throwing a crumpled piece of paper at me. It's hand-written and has two inky black splatters on it. I read the beginning. Clove, does it hurt? Does it hurt to see me with your man? You've known him forever, here I am, just arriving, and he's fawning over me instead of you. Who would want you? It goes on like this for another paragraph, but I stop reading. Clove wasn't upset. She's angry and vengeful. I tell her I hadn't written it, which I highly doubt she believes, and I then leave my room after her, locking it on the way out.

When I arrive at the training hall, lots of people are ready to start. Two people later and we do so. After I have done a large mix of the stamina and power stations, I walk over to Cato, who for once, is alone. 'Hey.' I say, smiling.

He turns around, looking slightly shocked that I have talked to him, rather than the other way round. 'I knew you'd come around.' He grins. 

'Okay, if you don't want me here..' I say teasingly. I don't know where this persona is coming from but damn I like it.

He laughs. 'Fine, you got me.' Clove stares icily at me. I stick my tongue out at him. And after he assures himself no-one was looking, he grabs my waist and whisks me off into an equiptment storeroom. 'Naughty.' I say suddenly. What the- I think dubiously, I've never said anything like that. I really want to kiss him as I stare into his grey-blue eyes, but I quickly realise how stupid i'm being. I only met him yesterday. He's probably just using me. Or trying to get me distracted. But I can't help it.

'I don't even know you.' He says quietly, which makes me frown. 'But I want to.' He adds in yet another whisper. Then he opens the door and lets me out of the storeroom. He steps out a few minutes later to avoid suspicion. He then walks casually away after discreetly murmuring 'Meet me on your balcony as soon as you get back.' And disappearing. I act as normal as possible, and return back to my room as training ends.

Larissa sees me wander onto our District's floor and tries to have a chat with me, but I assure her though I would love to, I'm getting an early night. And now I'm lying. Says my brain, drunk on passion.

As promised, he's there, meaning I can't  change out of my clothes, but I really couldn't care less. 'How did you get here, may I ask?' I ask nosily, imagining him swinging from window to window. 

'I used the emergency ladders.' He replies coolly. Of course.

It's cold out on the ledge so I invite him in and we sit on the now made-up bed. We sit and talk about ourselves for what feels like mere minutes, but as I check the clock I am proven wrong.

'What about your family?' I say, trying to avoid my own family discussion. He shrugs casually. 'Normal, I guess. Dad's a blacksmith, Mum's training to be a Peacekeeper, which also sucks, I guess. You'd think she'd disapprove, since I'm a tribute now. But we need the money. There's been lay-offs on tons of jobs.' Cato says sadly. I'm really tired, so I ask if anyone'll be missing him down on his floor, hinting I need my sleep. He doesn't get it. Finally I say 'Cato, I'm pretty sleepy.' and yawn. He looks a little sad, pecks me on the hand like he did before, and ascended the stairs on my balcony. I feel like Juliet, destined to die because of my choice in men. This makes me chuckle for whatever reason.


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