12-The second cannon never came

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I itch at a tracker jacker sting on my leg. It's so ugly I feel worse just looking at it. Glimmer died today. I can't lie, I know she liked me. I know I should have gone back for her. But I didn't. I miss Finch more and more every hour. I saw her hiding in a bush about two days ago. It brightened up my morning, knowing I left her that bag which the rest of the careers and Peeta failed to notice hidden under the girl's body. I've killed so many already, and it worries me that it still doesn't feel real. Peeta formed an alliance with us, and I'm telling you, I was so sure he just wanted to find his girlfriend. And he did. Straight after the little cow dropped the tracker jackers on us, Lover boy ran after her. I caught him, gave him a nasty cut to the leg. If I'm lucky, he'll bleed to death, so it won't be me who killed him, mostly nature. Anyway, he's gone now, I don't like liars. Katniss isn't even special. She looks like a right dumbass. 'Oh twirly twirl look at me i'm on fire but i'm actually not' Ugh. Finch has twice the brains. 

I'm the leader of the Career group now, and I'm sure Clove is trying to backstab me. She's kissing up to me (not literally) all the time now, and I can't help but think one of her knives is going to craftily find its way into my spine. Perhaps that's an early sign of paranoia.

We haven't killed anyone today. The tracker jackers killed Glimmer and the girl from 4 instead of us, and I'm glad of the rest, but we didn't bring many supplies with us, and I know we'll have to return to the cornucopia in a day or two. I haven't heard any cannons that we haven't witnessed the deaths for, which brings me relief every moment to know Finch is safely hidden. Though I doubt she'll have many supplies either, despite what that rucksack holds. 

'Please can I borrow your sword, Cato?' Clove asks me sweetly.

'You know, you don't have to be polite if it causes you physical pain.' I snap, seeing her less-than-happy expression.

She doesn't reply, and I stab my sword into the ground and walk around, aware that Marvel is closely watching me.

'Who have we got left?' I say to no-one in particular.

'A few. There's Thresh, his little friend, the District 3 boy, the District 10 boy, Foxhead and Peeta and Bratniss.' Clove spits, causing me to whisk around, then try to act casual as if she hadn't said her name.

'I'd say we go for the boys from 3 and 10 next, then the little girl. They'll be easiest to catch.' Says Marvel, feeling the point of his blade. 'It was probably Katniss who dropped the tracker jackers on us, so she's probably very crafty. Thresh looks tough and it's like the girl with the red hair's almost  disappeared.' He added, looking ashamed.

I hold back a triumphant grin. Once the rest have gone, we'll find a way. Finch and me.



There's been no sign of Cato, and the last cannon I heard was this morning, and there were two more about three days ago. I hope he's not dead. I feel a tear slick down my cheek, but I wipe it off quickly, so there's no trace of my softness. I've drunk all of my water, and had to use my bandages after burning my hand on the fourth day as well as my medicine, which turned out to be perfect for burns. The burns were worth it compared to the delicious eggs I had. You see, there was fire and smoke everywhere, and I knew the careers were far away dealing with whoever started it, so I whipped my pan out and cooked them on a burning log. Crafty eh? Well, the burns say otherwise. The eggs were lovely, but apart from that i've only had a nectarine I found on the floor of a bush, which tasted very sour and not very fresh. I'm starving, and I know it. 

The only place where there's food is the cornucopia. It's not far from where I am now, but I have a feeling Cato's gone back there, and I can't exactly run in, take some food and skip right out. For all I know he'll still have his scary group of careers with him. I need a distraction.

As if one cue, I hear shouts coming from the cornucopia's direction, and I suspect they've seen the billowing smoke on the land in the distance. I duck down behind a tree as Marvel, Cato, Clove and another smaller boy run to the smoke, right past me and on. Being as quick and stealthy as I can, I emerge from the trees to observe the cornucopia. All the supplies have been piled up in a heap outside it. It didn't feel right. If they cared so much about the supplies, why did they leave with haste away from it? 

That's when I see the ground. It's obviously been dug up, and the parts look brown where they've been dug. The boy from 3. He's from the technology district! He could have easily planted electric shock devices, mines, anything in there! Silently praising myself, I walk further and proceed in hopping onto the bits of grass where it looks safe. Nothing happens, and I effortlessly take as much food as will fit in my rucksack, leaving only some bread, turnips and a bag of apples, which hang of the side of the pile.

Criss-crossing through the dug up areas, I run back into the forest to re-hide myself. That's when I hear the earsplitting set of enormous explosions that ripples across my eardrums and almost knocks me off my feet. I'm tempted to see what's happened, but I hear careers return. 


'I-I don't k-know, someone must have s-set the mines off..' Stammers a voice which probably belongs to the boy from 3.


'I don't-'


'No-one c-could have survived that.' He answers, and I hear a sharp click, followed by the sound of his body hit the floor.

One cannon goes off almost immediately. There is silence as Cato, Marvel and Clove wait for the one that belongs to me.

I sprint away, far from the last three careers. He thought I was dead. He killed the boy because of me. 

But the second cannon never came, and Cato must now known I escaped.


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