Chapter 9: Going Under

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I stared at the pool threw the sliding door. The giant beautiful sliding foor. The pool looked so awesome, so why couldnt I just take that step and walk out the door? Uhh. 

I stared at Gabriel. He was laying on a tampoline in the middle of the pool. It was huge,  the pool. about the size of half a football feild. Suddenly, Gabriel jumped up, and started doing flips. He had toned mucles, and I had to do everything in my will power to stop staring at them.

I flung open the door, and in my string bikini, stomped outside towards the pool steps. I approached the pool, and went down the steps, until I was waist deep.

"You fat jerk! You went to JACK?! Ho could you?!" I screamed.

"I wanted someone to play in the pool with me." he said while turning around, and facing me while still jumping.

"Well thanks! I never wanted to go swimming in this stupid pool in the first place!" I yelles angrily. 

"C'mon. Have some fun Rob."

"My names NOT ROB. ITS ROBIN." I yelled.

"Sorry Rob. What are you going to do about it? Rob."

That did it. If this jerk was going to callme names, AND get me to go swimming, then he was going to go swimming too. I trudged threw the water, until I relized I was up to my chest in water, and I wasnt even close to the trampoline.

Meanhile, Gabriel kept on jumping up and down on the trampoling, doing flips and other cool, yet show off looking things. I couldnt swim well at all, and was terrified of going over my head.  But I had to do it if I was going to teach him a lesson. 

I went farther, until I had to start swimming. I took a breath and went in. My limps were struggling to keep me afloat and my head was starting to go under each time I triedto paddle. Gabriel was sitting away from me, looking off at the sky. Hecouldnt see me, so I could surprise.

But Panic soon set it. I got tired, and water went up my nose multiple times. I was going unded, and wasnt even 5 yeards away from the trampoline. What if I couldnt get up?! I started doing everything I could to stay afloat. But my body was sinking. Before I knew it, I was underwater, trying to push myself back up, but the bottem was to far down. I choked on water that I accidentally inhaled. 

Everything then started to blur. I could vaguely see something splash in the water.......

I drifted into unconciosness. 

I slowly started to make out that I was laying on something. It was hard, so I must have been laying on the side of the pool. Strangely, I felt something pressed against my lips. My eyes slowly opened, and I saw a bright sun, making me squint. I felt something pressed against my lips again. It was soft, but urgent. 

A gag aroused in my throat, and I turned on my side, and vomited water. I was shaking from the cold, and from fear. I vomited some more, and I felt really sick, and scared. I was cold, even though it was hot outside. My eyes fluttered open, only to see Gabriel with a worried look on his face. He looked almost as scared as I felt. He gently stroked my hair, and then left me for a few seconds.

He came back with a big white towel, and he wrapped it around me. I was still fuzzy on what happened, but all I knew was that Gabriel was holding me in his arms, with me wrapped in a blanket. He felt tense, so he must have been scared. 

Why was he scared? And what had happened to me? I didnt have time to think before I drifted off again. 


I opened my eyes again. I was laying against someone. I was wrapped in a towel, and was laying on my side. Someone was holding me close to them, and I was shivering, and my hair was wet. 

Weakly i said, "where am I?" 

"I'm here. Dont worry, im here. you got hurt, but Im here now." I made out the voice as gabriel. 


"Yes, its me. Im here, I wont let you get hurt again. I promise." he was talking in a panicy voice, and he seemed upset. 

I sat up and as I did Gabriel did too. 

"You went unconscious in the pool... I rescued you.."  he said. 

After that, I bursted into tears, that soon turned into sobbing. As soon as I did, Gabriel pulled me close to him, so that I was sobbing onto his navy blue, v-neck t-shirt. I sobbed for a long time before finally stopping. My eyes were heavy, and I was so cold.

"C'mon. lets go in the Jacuzzi, its hot."  he said comforting me. 

"No! Not after I almost... almost.." I felt tears arising. 

I looked into his eyes. They were warm, and filled with worry. We looked at each other for a long time. Then, Gabriel slowly leaned forward, and kissed me, and I kissed him back. It was soft, and sweet. My cheeks burned, and Gabriel kissed me again. 


Here you go guys! :D Chapter 9!!! And holy crap, 1300 reads! :O YOU GUYS ROCK! Enjoy! 

-Catt67 xoxoxo

Be sure to check out, "Being a Baby Vampire."  In my other stories! Its new, so feedback would be awesome!!!!  -Catt67

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