Part 2: Chapter 5: He's just an old man.

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Okay! New Chapter? I think YES. P.S. If you haven't already please check out my last chapter, with the title as, "QUESTIONS." Because Catt has some question's.


He looked at me like I was some horrible person from hell. Which I honestly felt like at the moment.


"What...?" said Gabriel, his voice barely hearable.


"...How could I be with you, after EVERYTHING that has happened. I don't know you, or ANYTHING about you, or where you came from, or if your even HUMAN. How could you EVER, think I could be with you if I don't KNOW you?! " I yelled.


"You never gave me a chance! And how could I tell you anything, if even I don't fully understand what I am?!" he replied.



"You have to listen then. Because i'll tell you. I'd do anything for you." replied Gabriel. Oh brother, why did he have to say that? I hate romance. 

Suddenly, Gabriel's head jerked to the side, near the door. "Someone's here." He said with Ice in his voice. Who the hell would be here? It's late, and- Oh my Gosh. The Cranberry's. Gabriel ran out of the room, or more of disapeared because he was so fast, and rushed down the stairs. I quickly jumped off the bed, and followed. I slammed open the door, not bothoring to close it. I ran down the hallway, and as a turned to go down the stairs, I ran right into Gabriel.

"OWWWW!" I yelled as my face smashed into his back. "What the hell Gabriel!" I said.Gabriel appeared to be silent and unmoving, until he turned around, and looked at me.

"Someone's here, but it's not The Cranberry's. It's just some guy, and he's about to knock.

"How do you know?" I replied. It was pretty annoying when I heard a knock at the door.I walked down the stairs, and Gabriel followed. "Do you really think it's a good idea to just open the door to a stranger after everything we just wen't through?" asked Gabriel.

"I don't know. But I aslo don't give a shit." I said without looking at him. I reached for the door, and opened it. An older man, about 45-50 was standing at the door awkwardly. He was bald except for some grey hair around the side, and a thick, grey and white mustache. I like mustaches. He has old wise eyes, and wrinkles. He was short, with a mediem sized build.

He cleared his throat, "Good evening, is there a girl named Robin here..?"  He said uneasily.

"That's me, what can I do for you?"  I replied a little annoyed, but I didn't show it. After all, he was just a cute old man. How much harm could he cause? 

He once again cleared his throat, "I have a message for you, from Mr. Cranberry."



So, here it is everyone! PLEASE everyone do me a favor, and comment on my last chapter titled "Questions." I REALLY need feedback, so if you do this for me, I would seriously just be so appreciative. Thank you all! I love you guy's so much. <3333333


Be sure to check out, "Being a Baby Vampire."  In my other stories! Its new, so feedback would be awesome!!!!  -Catt67

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