Part 2: Chapter 1: Broken Skin

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  • Dedicated to My Fans

Part two of LBSMO, is going to have shorter chapters. Shorter chapters= More chapters. :D I love you all so freaking much, and wish you all well. you wanted part 2, so you are going to GET a part two! <3



I looked forward. A girl with shoulder length blonde hair was in the arms of a tall dark person. They were sitting on the ground, and blood poured from the Girls neck. She was silently screaming, and moaning in pain. She cried, but it was only faint. The person's face was hidden in her neck. He was making a slurping noise, and as far as I could see, was biting her. 

I was frozen in fear, as I watched the girls life slip away. The person, or what ever the hell it was, kept slurping, and the more time I spent watching the fainter she got. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Gabriel slammed into the man, knocking both of them at least  10 meters away. What was he DOING?! He was going to kill him! 

My mouth opened in awe, as they moved in lightning speed, hitting each other, slamming each other into the ground, and grunting at every hit. I only now relized that Gabriel had flicked open something in his mouth. I couldnt see what it was. 

Gabriel was beating the shit out of the other guy, but the other guy seemed to be wiser, with more skill. Gabriel finally made out something like, "the girl." 

What was that supposed to mean? I trembled, but relized that she needed my help. It took a few seconds but I snapped out of my trance and managed to stumple over to the girl. she breathed slowly but heavily. It was uneven, and she looked likeshe was nearly dead. Looking over at her neck, she had 2 small insitions right below her jaw. 


 Be sure to check out, "Being a Baby Vampire."  In my other stories! Its new, so feedback would be awesome!!!!  -Catt67

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