Chapter 12: Dont look down

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"You cant go! How many times do I have to tell you?!" said Gabriel.

Id been arguing with Gabriel for maybe 2 minuits now. I wanted to find where the scream came from, but he kept saying it was to dangerous. I could help, but he just couldnt face it. Jerk.

"Yes I can! Im not some little kid you know! I can HELP." I retorded.

"Im sorry."

"For what?! Gabriel!"

Suddenly, Gabriel turned around, went out the door, and then jammed a peice of wood in it. It was probably something he found hanging on my door. I couldnt beleive this! I jumped out of my bed, and furiosly, ran to the door.

I began to bang on it, over an over, screaming and yelling.

"Gabriel! You fat fucking asshole, if you dont open the door, I WILL! " I yelled.

I kept on banging on the door, and soon my knuckles were red, and numb. i hit it once more, and that did it for my knuckles. My last punch left a hold in the door, and my right fist was a bloody mess.

I fell to the ground, and tried to calm down. I sat there for a minuit, and finally got up, and looked around. This house was huge, and the only way out was to jump out the window.  But this mansion has 2 floors. But, if I was to jump out the window, it would be like jumping out a 5 or 6 story house. I had to take the chance.

I heard a scream again, and I jumped. I was scared, and I hated igmiting it. Where was it coming from? And why was someone screaming?! I decided to change before jumping.

I ran to my closet, pulled out a pair of ripped, loose jeans, a red and white striped tank top, underpants, and a bra. I threw everything on, and didnt even worry about shoes. Im faster without them.

Then I ran over to the window in the middle, and looked down. All I saw was pavement. I heard another scream, and couldnt take it anymore. Someone needed my help, and I was going to help, dammit. I would hopefully land on my feet.

My heart raced, and I started to feel like I might chicken out. So I closed my eyes, and jumped. I felt the wind blowing on my arms, neck, and hair.  But I never hit the ground. I landed in someones arms. I knew immedietly it was Gabriels.

"What were you THINKING?! YOU COULD HAV DIED." Roared Gabriel.

I was stunned, Id NEVER, heard someone so angry. His usually blue green eyes, had turned to a dark grey. Nearly black.

"Its your fault! You locked me in MY room! You had no right!" I yelled back. It seemed to stun him.

"Well I didnt think you would jump out of a WINDOW.  Do you have any idea how much I would have hated my self for that? DO YOU?!" He screamed.

Again,I heard a loud, terrified scream. Only this time, it was close.


What did you all think, huh? Tehe. Comment, like, vote, and all that good stuff. :] I LOVE YOU ALL.

P.S    Check out my other book, "The dark Rose." Im really starting to get get into that book. :D

 Be sure to check out, "Being a Baby Vampire."  In my other stories! Its new, so feedback would be awesome!!!!  -Catt67

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