Chapter 18: I Am The Ocean

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'We don't have time to run around acting like tourists.' I huffed as Sebastian waited for the cashier to ring up his items: Some bonbons, a toothbrush (He'd been complaining the whole time about hygiene), some sunglasses, a map and a Polaroid camera.

Sebastian tutted at me before handing the correct amount of money over to the grinning cashier, who's moustache was as twirly as the go compare man's on television. Spinning around to face me with the plastic bag in his hands, he placed his hands on my shoulders 'Now Tara, there's always time to goof around and act like you know nothing.'

'That's offensive to tourists.' I remarked as we stepped into the afternoon swarm of both people and sun.

Sebastian hooked his fingers through the bag and ripped the sunglasses out, tugging off the label before popping them over his eyes. Handing me the other pair, he grinned and took out the camera. With his arm lazily slung across my shoulders, he smiled at the camera as I looked grumpily at him.

When the picture came out and Sebastian wafted it around, waiting for the picture to fade through, I took a few steps forward, not enough to loose him, but enough to loose the stress and let my senses enthral and take over, mingling with the chatting on-comers. Soon enough I picked up on a silly amusement and Sebastian's hand on my shoulder, the picture between two fingertips infront of my glasses.

Pushing my glasses up I squinted and took the picture, the faintest smile fading through on my lips just like the polaroid as I took in Sebastian's cheesy tourist smile and my begrudged expression, to outsiders it would seem he is the annoying sibling in the portrait.

'Now come on, we have stuff to do.'

'Like what?' I pulled my glasses back on, somehow hoping they would have some kind of cheesy barrier, that would allow me not to get sucked into the over enthusiastic tourist.

'We're going for a ride!' He exclaimed cheerily, finding my hand amidst the chaos.

I was momentarily swayed as I looked down at his warm hands encasing my own, noticing their callous texture and brittle softness. They were warm, albeit a bit sweaty due to the heat, and held mine in a caring embrace, one in such way a husband would when him and his wife wondered along a board walk in a summer's evening, when the sun goes down but their spirits do just the opposite.

'A ride where?' I finally look up to the profile of his face as his lips set in concentration as he looks at the surroundings and people.

His lip quirks up in such a way that I know before he speaks what he is going to say. 'You'll have to wait and see.'


'The Seine.' I said, understanding that by ride he literally meant a ride. In a boat. Through a river. In Paris. Doesn't get much better than that.

He held my hand tight and helped me into the boat, my sea legs working like a newborns as the boat sloshed gently against the lapping water. There were many others in the vessel and Sebastian and I managed to find a gap at the stern of the boat where we could not only see the view of the water and the beautiful scenery, but the wash the propellers created as the vessel pushed through it's course.

Sebastian timed our arrival, area and scenery very well as this boat would stop near the Eiffel Tower, were the tourists could visit for half an hour before the boat returned downstream, when the lights would begin to fade but the city lights would burst into life. I just wanted to see the Eiffel Tower in all it's glory, a landmark admired by many. I guess that did make me just another tourist.

A tourist with missing wonders and a man who deeply loves her at her side, her wish seems to be his command.

Placing his hands on the railing, Sebastian leaned forward as the boat moved steadily out onto it's course.

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