Chapter 4:Flashback

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The mountain peaks I came across were a blue ice-like colour that glinted in the afternoon sun. The cloud-like vapour that clung to the air filled my lungs as I breathed in the deep mountain air. I flew at vast speeds with that stupid human clinging to my back. I think he may have puked, but I'm hoping it wasn't on me.

The birds squawked as I raced by, bouncing on every cloud I could as it was so extremely fun. The thought of one day loosing all I had and being normal was like a nightmare to me. I tried to think of how my life would be if I was normal, and my parent's hadn't died and my world was surrounded by people who cared about me, not just ignored me as I walked by. I'm pretty sure I must have had more family around somewhere, but there were no traces as I never knew my name. That put me in a right down hill position. I had no where to start and no where to begin. I had a few flash backs about my past.

The room is dark. The air is silent through the thick smog. Some ones calling out and the door nob is twitching. I sit very still in the corner, trying to make every breath quiet. The sounds get louder, until I hear a scream. I freeze, unaware of what the hell is going on out there. My shaking body is freezing and damp. How long had I been in this room? Was I in there for hours, days, months, years? I Shot a look to the other side of the room and saw a shiny metal dog bowl. This was obviously how I was being fed.

A hand snaps through the glass and dropped scraps into the bowl. The colour of the skin is a purple/blue, it looks bruised as hell and the bony fingers remind me of horror films. I sit extremely still, too scared to even eat. What if the hand grabs me? What if it chokes me? I would wait it out until I was sure the hand was gone.

A rust like smell drifts through the air, into my nostrils and around the room. Blood. I hear the screams still getting even louder as they shred the silent air. The sounds ripple into my ears and force me to hide my head in my knees to block out some sound.

I hear someone laughing. Their voice is deep. All the while I'm thinking, where are my parents? Why aren't they here with me, protecting me? The shrills of screams still fill the air. I can't quite work out whether there is just one person in harm or more. The screams all seem to be at different pitches but they could still be from that one person.

I suddenly think, what if I'm next? If that person being tortured outside is like me, then I could be next. What if they too were locked in a dark room and fed from a dog bowl. Then they could've been dragged out to face their near and final death. Was this my fate too?

The screaming still continues, but this time there is a new pain in that voice, she wails and cries. She sounds hurt emotionally too. I recognize that voice, those sounds, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Suddenly the screaming stops and something hard hits the floor, followed by a clunk of something that sounds like a knife. The world feels like it's frozen as I sit there shaking so violently that I am basically vibrating.

Then I hear the laughter again, and steps. Each step I count. it comes closer, and closer. The door lock slowly and quietly slips open. Clonk. The lock drops to the floor. The handle twists.

Bang! The door flies open and a silhouette steps in to the room. I can just make out the sinister face as it snaps into a crooked smile. The figures runs to me and suddenly I hear a snap. Everything fades......

That is my first memory. The memory that I am still trying to figure out my self. My memory gives my a few clues. What I feel is that was the day that my parents were killed. My mum, the woman I heard screaming was murdered right outside that door. The killer did this on purpose, to make me upset. But I somehow can't remember anything before that day. Which is confusing because I can remember everything after it. 

The night is dark. I can see my breath filter the air as it's icy cold and my breath is warm. The air in my lungs tightens when I breathe in as the air is so cold. I look down and see that my body is wedged into a cardboard box. I get suddenly angry and shake. The box explodes into a million pieces and I sit there confused. I get up and try to run, but I'm lightning fast. The dizzy feeling in my head pounds, so I sit down and let the blood rush back to my head again.

I stand up and get my bearings before I try anything else. I reach my arm out to reach for a pole near by but my arm stretches to the fence across the street. I begin to feel sick as my body has never done this before. So I test my legs, they do the same.

I focus my thoughts on something, an object because nothing can surely happen with that. But then a buzzing sensation fills my body like I'm an erupting volcano. The image fizzes in my mind of the object, a traffic cone, and I start to shrink.

Next thing I know I'm on the floor. I manage to look down and see the bright day-glow orange, that is the traffic cone. I scream from inside the object. Feeling like someone who's trapped in a box. I yelp and squeal and scream. I start to think of how this happened to me. And then it clicks. I think and concentrate on my body and what I look like. The buzzing and fizzing starts again and this time a loud pop noise fills the air and I'm stood on my two feet again.

I spent the rest of that night throwing benches, shape shifting into alley cats and street dogs. This was when I first realized how powerful I was.

I stopped for directions and the feeble human slid off my back, yet again he puked. What a wuss. I thought to my self as I watched him scramble across the rocks.

'Which way now?' I asked. Every now and then I'd have to stop and ask for directions as I don't know where this guy is.

'Errrrmmm' I have to admit, the guy looked pretty out of it 'That way' He pointed his bony finger towards the distant mountain. 'He lives in a cave in about the middle of the mountain. I usually fly here' He looked sick again. His pale face hid his childish features for a moment and made him look scary.

'Yes. Well my method is far quicker and a lot better, don't you think?' I looked out to the mountain. There was my only chance to meet someone like me. I didn't care if he had anger issues, I could take him on. 'Hop on, human'

I ran to the mountain and circled it, searching for that cave. It was extremely hard to find. He lived inside the mountain.

In between some cracks and crevices was a small, dark entrance to his cave. Surrounding by sleeping bats, we had to be careful not to wake, the entrance was pretty booby-trapped.

'You must go alone tara' He looked on over the mountains, trying not to meet my stare.


'Last time I went in there, he threw a chair at me. I am not going back in there'

'OK. Whatever, wish me luck' with that, I turned and climbed swiftly through a crack and jumped onto a wooden landing. The hall was lit with torches. The stone walls made the cold hall, feel colder than it actually was. And even the torches didn't make it warm. The wooden floors creaked beneath my feet, disturbing the eerie silence. I stepped slowly and carefully down the hall until I reached the iron bolted door. 

Knock, knock, knock.

The door creaked open. The figure beckoned me in. He was tall and well built with muscle. I took a deep breath as the figure scared me a little. But I was not going to back down, not for this.

'Come in' His deep voice fit his figure. I nodded my head and stepped through those big doors that may lead me to destiny...

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