Chapter 5: Is that all you got?

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The Giant man with a chalky white face walked to the other side of the cave and stopped. Frozen, he admired the photos on the wall of him and what i was guessing was his mother. I imagined him over there, crying but too ashamed to face me. To embarrassed to let his tears seep through his rock hard skin. A skin that was so hard that I'm pretty sure no emotions were ever torn through it.

'So you're an Im.Possible too?' I asked, casually glancing around the room. There was little furniture, but out of no where the was a massive king size bed with silk covers and pillows fixed up right to the back post.

'That I am little girl.' He still stayed, his back to me.

Anger seared through me 'Who are you calling little,' I thought on my toes '"Tough guy."' I used air quotes with my fingers to resemble my sarcastic comment. 

He was by my side in an instant. He grabbed me by the arms and lifted me. Crunching my bones. 'I'm a lot tougher than you are.' He spat.

I looked at my watch and moved my neck making it click. 'Are you done yet?' I asked.

'Oh no I'm not' He squeezed harder.

I sighed. 'All right then' I spiralled flinging my free legs into his hard stomach sending him crashing into the hard stone wall. Rocks crumbled down making loud sounds as they skimmed across the surface.

He got up laughing. 'Is that all you got?' He teased. He inched his hands close to the wall and then ripped a chunk out. He gave me a quick smile and then sent the rock hurtling in my direction. The whole thing happened in slow motion. I saw it coming so I lurched into the air and did to backwards somersaults before landing in front of him. 

We heard the crash on the other side and his mouth formed a tight line. 'You.' He pointed a strong finger at me 'You broke my wall!' He screamed.

I giggled to myself. Shouting doesn't scare me. 'No,' I corrected 'You broke your wall.' I used a bit of sass when I corrected him. Which he hated.

'Well why don't we go outside so I can throw a whole mountain at you?' He smirked.

I scoffed 'Yeah. Like you could pluck a mountain out of the ground. It's not a daffodil love.'

He tilted his head and looked at me. Assessing my strength 'Your annoying. You know that right?'

'It's one of my many perks' I smiled as I ran my finger across a glass figurine of a wolf on a mountain. Checking for dust. It was spotless.

'What ever.' He barked as he  turned to face me 'What else can you do?'

'Oh, ho, ho,' I laughed as I watched him sit on a pine chair. 'Watch this' I looked around for anything of inspiration to me. And then I saw it. I dragonfly in a glass case with vibrant turquoise and pink on it's wings in a loopy pattern.

I focused hard. Only thinking of that. And then it happened. The vibrating fizzing of the inner and outer change of my body occurs. I feel so still and the change hurts, but not too much. And then I was the dragonfly. flapping my glass-like wings up and down and soaring to him. The buzzing noise that escapes me is weird. But that would be natural for the bug.

'In-credible,' He said slowly, assessing me. He squinted his eyes 'Is that you in there?'

I nodded my fragile, buzzing head. The colour of his face wasn't in great detail to me as I studied his head. I focus on my former self and not to long later my inner fizzy drink has gone flat and I'm Tara again.

'OK.' He sighed. 'That was impressive. But I know for a fact that you don't have the physical strength that I do.'

'And how the hell do you know that?' I asked, rather agitated.

'Follow me.' He said grinning.

I followed him out of the dark corridor and into the mountain air. The human sat perched on a rock, humming to himself. 

'Jordan!' The guy called. He gave him a hard pat on the back. Jordan froze. In his mind he was thinking: I hope he doesn't throw me off the mountain. Or the edge of the universe...

What a loser. Why does he even bother working with us when he's scared out of his pea sized brain?

'Prove your strength, "Almighty dude."' I called, with my arms crossed over my chest.

He smiled smugly and reached to the ground. He ripped out a 5 metre squared peace of ground and threw it into the mountain air. It hit another mountain, some distance away, perched on the very top like a ball on a seal's nose. He hit his hands together to rid of the dirt. It crumbled from his broad fingers and lay in flaked pieces on the cold stone.

'Messing with nature. Impressive.' I said, not even trying to hide my sarcastic tone. I clapped my hands for extra effect.

He scowled, suddenly extremely close to me, he spat directly in my face.

That set me off like a fire cracker. I wiped the spit from my face with my sleeve and shoved him off the side of the mountain. He hadn't expected it and when he came back up, he had a face full off dirt. I mocked him by hitting my hands together, making it look like I thought that was easy. It was, and add fun on there too.

He laughed, though I could see he was still shocked from the force I used. 

He picked up a rock and hurled it at me at high speeds. I stuck out my hand and deflected it away with a simple smack. It went flying into the abyss. I in return, picked up a boulder when he wasn't aware, and sent it flying into his ugly face. I was still mad and because of this my force was much stronger.

It hit his face and when it fell I could see the impression of his face that was imprinted on it's surface. He wiped his face. 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' He said smiling at me.

'You can't die you idiot!' I shrieked at him. My shrill echoed off the facades of the mountains.

'I know that you,' He stopped to think, his angry expression fixed into his face. Maybe the rock made it that way. But it was stony even before I threw the boulder. 'You weasel!' He finally added.

'Nice. Did it take you a century to think of that one?' I said, my tone unpleasant.

He pulled a childish face at me. Jordan sat horrified, perched on a rock, a little distance away from us. I don't blame him, if I was that feeble I wouldn't want boulders in my face.

'You are such a child!' I yelled across the distance between us.

'I'm one thousand four hundred and forty four years old! Is that a child to you?!' He smirked. 'I think we both know you're going to be the child in this case. How old are you, three?!' He laughed.

A sudden feeling hit my gut. I didn't know how old I was. 'I wouldn't know!' I yelled back, fighting the tears. 'My parents died and I have no idea when the hell I was born!' I give him one last look before scooping up the human and bursting away into the sunset.

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