Chapter 3: A clue

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I strode down the street, hoping the annoying being wouldn't follow behind me. He did.

'What are you doing? Just go away' I felt so annoyed and enraged because in his thoughts he was doing this just to get on my bad side. I could tell it was one of those things he enjoyed doing for fun or amusement.

'How did you hear me following you?' He wondered allowed, still not stopping even though he could sense the annoyance in my tone.

'I would be able to hear those pesky little trotters running down the street from a thousand miles away' I held my pace strong and didn't turn to make eye contact. 'Now run along little bug, or I will literally squash you'

'I don't think you mean that' he teased, pulling on every string he could to make me snap.

I clenched my fists and flared my nostrils. I instantly sensed I was tense and so pulled back the imaginary reins in my mind on the anger horse that was pulling stronger and quicker. Surely those strings would soon snap 'Trust me. You don't know who I am. So just leave.'

'What if I told you I knew what you were? Then could I stay?'

What did he mean? Did he really know I was supernatural, or was he joking, trying to unwind my last nerve. There was only one way I could find that one out. I had to reach into his pea sized brain and find out what he really meant.

And sure enough, inside his mind he was thinking of super strength, mind reading, exceptional hearing and shape shifting- Well he was thinking of the werewolves from Twilight, but he was close enough.

'How do you know?' I asked, still weary as to why he knew.

'I've studied people like you, for a long time'

'But you're so young' I was sure he was too young to be scientist who studied the supernatural.

'Ah Tara, because of my height and childish facial features, people expect my age as about 16 or 17, but I am really 25 years old. Now do you have somewhere private we can discuss this?'

'How about my place?'

'And where is that' he asked seeming to know the answer would be slightly different to normal.

I took a step closer and spoke very quietly 'The Himalayan Mountains' his jaw dropped. Weren't expecting that one were you? I thought. 

The idea of moving to the mountains first occurred to me when I watched a program on television showing a mountain that was beautiful. In the distance I could make out a mountain that was desolate and deserted. Eagle's flew in their vast beauty upon the mountains and the sun gleamed through the cracks. What I didn't know was going to be fairly cold up there.

'OK. That's interesting. Take me there, if you will' The thought of him in my home made my stomach churn, but he had clues. Clues and answers.

Grabbing his hand I breezed through the streets with no occurrence to the natural world around me. I heard a couple of whines and screams along the way. But I ignored them, I was finding it entertaining that he was finding this uncomfortable.

Landing in the house I let go and went to the kettle. Flicking the switch, the steam began to flow and drift out of the spout as it boiled. The bubbles inside fizzed and the condensation and steam welled up the clear side so I couldn't see the water any more.

'Tara. Do you have a second name?'

'Nope' I retorted, to me I was just plain Tara. I had no past, but plenty of History. That History just had to be uncovered.

'OK. And what are your "powers" if you wish to call them that. The scientific term in my lab for it is physiques'

'I prefer to call them my wonders, the term fits me'

'OK Tara. What are your wonders?'

'My wonders are; Strength, I can stretch further than any of your species. I can read minds' he looked a little worried at that point. He knows now not to think rudely about me now 'I can see across far distances and I can change emotions. I can learn anything and remember it forever and finally I can shape shift.'

'Interesting. You definitely are one'

'A what? What am I?' He stayed silent for a while. Noting into a book, all of the things I told him.

'Tara, you are what we call an Im.Possible. The word has two meanings'

'And what are those two meanings?' I was interested in this, but he annoyed me still.

'The first, the word without the dot is "Impossible" because a species like you should be literally impossible but as you are the other meaning is "I'm possible" because you are possible.' Clever, I thought. They have interpreted my kind well.

'So are there others?' I was so hopeful he would say there was, but the look on his face was oppressing.

'Tara. Their all dead.' I could tell my face had sunken. 'But there is one, other than yourself. But he's incredibly ill-tempered'

'So there is one other? But he's a total grump?'

'Yes I'm afraid so. He used to talk to us freely until his mother died' so he knew his mother? That's not fair.

'Maybe I can straighten him out' He looked at me with that worried look.

'He is a lot bigger than you in strength Tara'

'I don't care, just get me to him. And fast.'

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