Chapter 7: Jump

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'What?' I asked, not believing the words he just said.

'Listen Tara. I don't have an explanation how. But the machine we used, it-' He stuttered. 'It removed your greatest talent. Shape-shifting.'

My mouth hung open. I was wordless. But mostly hurt. And then there was anger. 'I agreed to do your stupid tests, and for what? You removed my power you absolute-'

Again he interrupted my verbal insult. 'Tara, I will begin research on how to get it back. But in the mean time would you just calm down.' He said pushing his hands down in a calming gesture.

'Can I at least know how old I am?' I asked rudely. I didn't even care how it sounded. He deserved it.

'Well you'll be glad to know that during the test that we, you know,' He said backing away from my evil glare. 'Doesn't matter. We discovered that you are one thousand six hundred and thirty two years old. That's impressive.'

'Wow.' I said. Feeling a fraction closer to completing that puzzle. But only by one piece.

'I know.' He said smiling. 'What I can't figure out is how you don't remember most of your life.'

'Something happened to me. Something big. I just need to find out what. I can't remember past the day my parents were killed. I can remember a long time after that up until now. But not what happened in that gap.'

'Odd. Really quite odd.' He muttered as he turned back to his paper work. 'In the mean time you should patch up your relationship with those of your kind. It will come in use to have someone to help you figure it out.'

'But I-'

'Go. Tara.' He gestured to the door.

'Fine.' I said slumping over towards the door. 'But I'm not happy about it.'

Instead of going through the door I decided to burst a hole in the roof.

1. It was fun.

2. He removed my power to turn into other things. My favourite ability.

What did you expect me to do, run into his arms and thank him.

I think not.


I reached his evil lair a couple of minutes later and I knocked the door down. He was sat eating Spaghetti Bolognese. 

'What the hell was that for?' He shouted coming to stand in front of me.

'I'm annoyed.' I argued, clenching my fists.

'Can I ask why?' He said, returning to his food and then he gestured for me to sit down.

'Jordan removed my shape-shifting ability.'

'He what?' He asked with the same surprise that I did back at the lab.

'He removed it. But don't worry he's working to get it back.' I said in a voice of disbelief.

'I'm sorry.' He said. And he actually meant it. I was surprised.

'It's OK. It's not your fault. But anyway, do you have any special powers?'

'Each family of Im.Possible's are given a 'special' power. My family's is the power to instictly know when death is near." He said, slurping a noodle.

"Cool," I replied. "But how does it help?"

"When we sense it we can stop it before it happens. I know, I'm a miracle worker."

"You wish." I said stealing a noodle.

'Hey!' He protested, before saying. 'Your not to bad kiddo.'

'Ah,' I lifted a finger. 'You can't call me kiddo, I'm one thousand six hundred and thirty two.' I said, a smug look on my face.

His jaw dropped. 'But I thought you didn't know.'

'Yeah, well at least one good thing came out of those tests.' I said, depressed again.

'Don't let it get you down. He may be stupid but he's smart.'

'That made no sense what so ever.' I laughed. 'Hey, I'm getting along with the enemy.' I said smiling at him.

'You are.' He smiled cheesily. 'And I am too.' And he reached out his fist for me to hit.

I hesitated but then I hit it. It was a big step. Because earlier today I threw a rock at his face. And enjoyed it.

'So I'm gonna head home. And feel depressed.' I said standing up.

'You lost a power, so what? He's done it before and trust me, he'll get it back.'

'He's done it before?' I said, surprised. 'Why didn't you warn me?'

'I didn't think it was relevant at the time.' He shrugged.

'I think it should have been!' I said, feeling anxiety, who had he done it to before? And could he get my powers back?

'Well it's nothing to worry about. He'll have you good as new in no time.'

'If your sure.' I said heading for the cave entrance.

'Where are you going?' He asked.

'Home, duh.' I said, imitating his dim expression.

'Not if your gonna be all sad and alone your not.' He said reaching to grab my wrist.

I flinched and headed for the door. 'I can take care of myself bozo'

And I sprinted out the door and leapt off the mountain onto a cloud. I gave him a tiny wave before flashing into the distance.

I was home in no time. With a packet of jelly tots in my hand and a onsie, I was set for depression to kick in.

And then it was at the door just as Evan Almighty, a funny film no doubt, had kicked in. I knew he was there. I could smell him. Yughh.

'Why are you here?' I sighed. Pausing the film, feeling more than slightly agitated. 'And more importantly," I turned. 'How the hell did you find me?'

He tapped his nose and I growled. 'That's for me to know and you to, well not. And I came to check you hadn't committed suicide or something' he grinned.

 'Don't be annoying. And go away." I said.

'How about no." He said in the same tone. Ahhh.

'Try this one on for size.' I leapt of the sofa and ran out into the cold, jumping into the dense air below.


I know this one's boring, But at least it's an update! Hope you guys like it! As I said last time plz think of some names for this guy coz I don't know what to call him!!! Arghhh! I'm sure they'll be cool names :D

Byyeeee, and enjoy :)


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