The (Inverse) Love Triangle - Chapter 1

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"One, two, three, heave" shouted the deliverymen. They were trying to move mum's giant cupboard from the back of the removal van.

I didn't think moving house would be that hard, but when dad was offered a job to be the CEO of his company he could hardly decline. A hundered grand a year not including bonuses and a FREE house was hard to refuse. Bored by sitting on the new porch swing I made my way into the house.

I say house but it was MASSIVE!! Downstairs there were five rooms; kitchen, dining room, living room, what seemed like a games room or a lounge, and a conservatory. And each room was massive! I could do five handstands the width of the room and STILL not touch thw wall in the lounge.

I kept getting in the way of the delivery guys who were still moving lamps and coffee tables into the house so I ran upstairs. Not that I would have to dibs a room because I was an only child, but that didn't mean I didn't want the best room.

As i peered into all the rooms (there were 5), I decided that I couldn't decide! Each room was elegantly furnished in muted beiges and creams and each room had an en suite shower and toilet, but I decided to pick the room with the most beautiful bed I had ever seen.

It was huge, no doubt a super king but it was a beautiful canopy bed with silvery drapes ging all the way around the bed but were currently tied up to the bedposts. As I loosened the drapes and let them free the sight was magnificent. 

Deeming the bed sutiable, I looked around the room, peering into the ornate carved cupboards and looking throught he huge window that overlooked the garden. I could hear someone coming up the stairs...

There were three sharp raps on the door, then a pause as it opened.


ohmigawd got the first chapter up ;) depending on the respose i will pe posting twice or three times a week so yeah...i hope you like it so far and a biggggg thank you to sanana banana for the encouragment of actually starting to write and please fan ann vote and most of all comment...i'd love to know what you think



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