The (Inverse) Love Triangle - Chapter 7

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We were in the third club of the night and the drinks were only 80p so we were lucid. Abso-bloody-lutely smashed. And naturally we were dancing. Well, not so much dancing as throwing our bodies around and grinding and bumping and oh my it brought back the days in Newcastle. They called us Emily and her babes. The the barmen new us all by name.

So yeah, drunk as a skunk and then someone pinched my bum. Naturally pissed, I turned around and looked for the culprit. I turned around and there stood a twenty something bloke with long, rank and dirty brown hair and a beard leering at me.

He came up right into my face and started dancing really close to me.  I was getting more and more sober as anger was taking over when I stumbled back a few steps, woozy. When I opened my eyes I saw the perv on the floor, blood pouring from what looked like a broken nose.

Erm, that wasn't me, I thought slightly panickedly as the giant bouncers muscled their way forward towards me.

They grabbed someone by the arms and boy was he struggling. In my still tipsy state I couldn't fathom who it could be.

I gave the perv a last good kick in his goodies and smiled when he groaned as I followed the bouncers outside - catching up to them just as they chucked someone (not so softly) into the street.

He picked himself up, brushed his elbows and turned around. Aww boy I thought.

It was Matt. Disheveled and drunk but it was him. When he saw me he came rushing towards me.

'Are you okay Em? I mean I saw the guy pinch your - ahem'

'Yeah he did. Thanks for slugging him one he totally deserved it but I'm sure I can handle it. I mean Newcastle wasn't exactly full of chaste drunks and the uni boys weren't exactly always--'

'You know Em, its getting a little late. How about I drive you home?'

'Even if you did have a car no. You are clearly over the drink drive limit...'

'Em chill, I wasn't planning on driving you but I know Max over there he'll give us a lift'

I made my way towards the taxi and climbed in. Apparently Max owed Matt a favour so we got in free and started our journey home.


Aww thank you my lovely fans I have had a great response from you and thanks sooooo much for sticking with me even though I haven't been uploading regularly (its because of ramadhan) anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and big up to thebhulliyatsforlife you know who you deserve a big hug and a kiss and I promise you can be in the book :)

Just one more thing I would like to request...I have seen so many more reads than comments and I would REALLY love it if you could comment I would reallly love some feedback on how I can improve and if you have any questions about what has happened I would be happy to answer them and Afifa, no I am not going to tell you what happens ;)


Hajrah x x x x

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