The (Inverse) Love Triangle - Chapter 3

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'Emily darling wake up'

God I'm having such a nice dream can't you see I don't want to wake up?

'Emily, EMILY!!!'

'Okay, I'm up God'

The rest of the holidays had passed in a blur nothing much happening. I kinda followed the philosophy fill whatever is empty (stomach) empty whatever is full (bladder) and stay in your PJ's all day!

I went to the bathroom and ran downstairs. After all I didn't want to be late on my first day! I could smell the sweet yet strong smell of porridge and eggs. I love porridge. None of that packet stuff mind...I love the real deal. It fills you up and warms you through. After I finished my porridge and gulped down a glass full of Tropicana, I ran upstairs just hoping that the perfect first day of school ensemble would jump out at me...but no luck.

A dress? Nah too cold. A top? Nah too small. Leggings? Too see-through. ARGHHH!!!!!

In the end I chose a purple top with the slogan 'Look at my FACE...yup a bit higher' in silver writing. It had a low neckline but teamed with my grey and silver pashmina thrown around my neck for fashion and warmth it looked glam. I also wore black jeggings - thick enough to keep me warm but chic too!

I spent 10 minutes on my make up - a base, concealer and blusher with nude lips and a silvery eyeshadow from Loreal which I got for my birthday and I looked ready to go. I left my wavy hair how it was, just dragging a comb through it a few times because I had no time and grabbed the bag I had packed last night just as my dad called up the stairs that I would get late.

I ran out of the house and into the best thing in my life - my Mini Cooper. I was turning 18 in two months and my dad had got it for me as a present thinking it would take me longer to pass my license, but he handed over the car with the number plate B4B3 (babe) after my unfortunate infatuation with the pig when I was a child.

The drive to college took about 15 minutes which passed quite quickly.

As I got out of the car and walked in through the gates - all eyes were on me. I blushed and looked around.

There were lots of people and a distinct seperation between first and second year students but as everyone was in their own little cliques or gangs it felt weird.

The bell went and people made their way, slowly towards the entrance and I was conscious of the people who I felt were whispering about me. Who was she? Where was she from? It seemed that everyone was from a pretty tight knit community and kinda knew each other.  

I made my way, without any problems to Level 2 Room 8 where I was going to have my form class. Everyone settled down and I grabbed and inconspicuous seat in the middle row on the left. The teacher walked in; a woman with framed glasses around a chain on her neck, a wide swishy skirt and a tie-dyed top. Ouch.

She settled the class and shushed for a bit then continued.

'Hi, my name is Mrs Haneef and I am going to be teaching you History, I mean whoever from you ahs chosen History and I will also be your form tutor so if you have any problems come to me'

This was met my muted sniggers and she smiled and started doing the register. When she got to my name, about four names down, I tried to say 'Yes Miss' but there was a wodge of phlegm stuck in my throat and it came out as a weird sound - kinda like a dalek. I cleared my throat and repeated myself but she looked up.

'Ah a new student! Who would like to look after Emily? Show her around...'

This was met by an awkward, embarrasing silence.

'I will' said a voice from the back


Woohoo another chappie out and 32 combined read for my other chapters woweeee an amazing result but comment girls and boys and vote kay then I'll be really happy....

Another chappie out maybe tomorrow...?


Hajrah x x x x x

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