The (Inverse) Love Triangle - Chapter 5

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The boys again, were silent. All eyes which previously had been trained on Matt were now focused on me. Doing the most natural thing under the circumstances – I blushed.

This was met by catcalls and wolf whistles which again made me do a deeper red. Gradually the noise petered out into quiet and Matt looked at me and raised his eyebrows, like go-on-then, so I took a deep breath and begun.

“No I’m not from another planet, I’m from Newcastle, my dad got a job here and we had to move. Simple.”

Matt nodded. I plunged on.

“I’m not much into girly stuff, but what you see is what you get yeah, but I do like to dress up...occasionally”

Someone from the back piped up.

“Maid’s outfit?” Everyone sniggered.  

“And...yeah I’ve  noticed you North westerners are so shallow in your alcohol – can only take a few pints and they you canny walk...I mean I guess if you wanted erm I could show you how to get hammered Geordie style?”

This was met by a few raised eyebrows.

“Is this girl for real?”

Yup, I thought drily – and it should be all over the school by break time.

I spent the rest of the free period getting the lowdown on the teachers and stuff which made some conversation, I guess, but then the bell rang – four sharp shrills sounds and everyone got up and moved towards their first lesson.

Matt joined me as we walked out.

“What subjects you taking?”

“History, Maths, Psych and Art”

He looked a bit dazed.

“Problem?” I enquired.

“Nah babe, just that you’ve got the same as me.”

“So I guess we’ll be shooting up in the same alley then.”

“Shooting up?” He gulped. “As in heroin?” He looked pained.

I laughed. “No dufus, it’s just a saying.” He relaxed visibly.

“I think you and me are going to get along” he said.

“I think so too,” I said truthfully.


Sorry I didn’t get the chappie out yesterday I was real busy but I hope you enjoy this and vote and fan and most of all COMMENT.

Ps if you can’t comment email me your views on the story so far J J


Hajrah x x x x x x x

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