The (Inverse) Love Triangle - Chapter 8

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The car journey felt like ages. The digital clock at the front of the taxi ticked, sluggishly. About four minutes into the journey Matt fell asleep. Awwww. I seriously felt like Matt had feelings for me. First spin the bottle, then in the club. And how did I feel? Honestly indifferent. He was hot sure - gotta envy that six pack but I wasn't dying of love although there were definite fireworks when he kissed me.

The taxi man whose name I couldn't remember pulled out.

'Ermm, hey...would you be able to drop Matt--'

'No way chick - I gotta roll my shifts ending'


'Sorry - you gotta take him'

Aw. Damn. What to do? I had 2 options.

1. Leave him in the taxi and he'll wake up God knows where. He'll be angry at me for leaving him and he'll have a bitch of a hangover when he wakes up and although this is the easier option it might be at the cost of our friendship because he has never been less than amicable with me.

2. Take him to my home.

Easy to say but where would he sleep? Obviously there is no shortage of rooms but what would he be like if he woke up in a room on his own, no idea how he got there?

I decided to go for option 2. I tugged him out of the taxi and gave the taxi man a wave. Idiot. I dragged Matt into my room.

I ran into the bathroom, shimmied out of the dress, took of my make up and put on some pj shorts.

I then ran into dad's room and grabbed some of his shorts and forcibly yanked off Matt's jeans...damn they were like painted on him and it took me a good 5 minutes. (And no before you even suggest it I didn't take a look...a little peek never hurt anyone though ;)) I wrestled the shorts onto him and removed his t shirt.

He has on a grey under shirt but it had sweaty patched so I took it off and this time I am not even ashamed to say I took a look. I wanted to count how many packs there were and there was limited light so I started at the top and ran my fingers down his stomach.

And guess what? There were eight.

Absolutely tired from the drinking and dressing Matt I pulled the quilt over me and fell fast asleep.


And guess what just for you my lovely fans I have uploaded twice in ONE day...those comments better roll in or I will be very sad....:(

Oh and I haven't had any suggestions for a cast so fire away because I haven't given any specific cahracteristics it can be whoever you want it to be....also book cover...I'd love to have one and whoever does will get a special dedication.....

Anyway enjoy...


Hajrah x x x x

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