The (Inverse) Love Triangle - Chapter 4

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Everyone turned around and froze. Who would – willingly show the new girl around?

As I turned around and looked for the voice, I scanned the room. Everyone seemed to be looking at a GUY! He was wearing red converses with baggy jeans but a tight (and I mean tight) light grey top, which showed off his enviable abdominal muscles. Okay better change that thought, he’s only showing me around.

“Yes okay, Matthew”

“Matt, Miss”

“Okay Matt – show her around but be sure to give her an unbiased view – she looks like she can make her own mind up.”

“’Kay whatevs.”

The bell rang again and as everyone started to file out I waited for “Matt”. He looked at me waiting, smirked, and walked out of the classroom somehow before me (even though I was in front of him), shoving me a bit roughly out of his way.

“I thought the rule was ladies first?” I enquired.

“Sorry m’lady” he said mockingly and executed a deep bow right there and then in the corridor, earning us weird looks from passer bys.

We carried on walking further and further down the corridor when we stopped at the door of a classroom.

“Erm...Matthew –

“Matt. Please call me Matt”

“Okay ermm Matt I’ve got first period free so....”

“Duh, babe so do I, just taking you to see ma homies.”

The word babe sent a thrill down my spine, but I chose to ignore it.


“Sorry babe I didn’t realise you were from another homies means my friends”

“Why am I from another planet?”

“Your accent,” he said as he opened the door.

My first impressions of the room were good, it was a long rectangular room with beanbags dotted around the edge and all but a few of the beanbags had been pulled into the centre of the room where a group of boys sat in a circle(ish) formation.

When Matt walked in everyone went silent for a few seconds and then everyone burst into questions.

“Where d’ya go?”

“What took you so long?”

The shouting rabble went on for a bit until a pale boy with curly brown hair said

“Who’s the chick?”


Omg I’m on a rolllll getting these chappies out like cake out of the oven....i am really enjoying writing this and yeah I hope you are enjoying it too so yh....Comment VOTE PEOPLE and fan me please and maybe fingers crossed another chapter out today or early tomorrow K K

Till then take care...


Hajrah   x x x x x x x

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