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Niall went home later that evening with a sleeping Angel in his arms. He walked up to his porch trying to be quiet, hoping not to wake her but like always that didn't work. Her blue eyes peered into his own and he smiled at the sight of her sleepy face. "Hey Angel," he whispered. She yawned and replied, "Daddy, sleep." He laughed at her soft, yet demanding tone and felt his heart melted when she snuggled closer to his chest.

A content sigh left his lips and he walked into the house. For the first time in what felt like ages  the smell of sex wasn't in the air and he didn't see his mother's next client anywhere. Instead, he found a note on the coffee table.

Dear Niall,

I'm sorry I left you like your father did but you would be so much better off without me. Same with Angel. I hear you at night shushing and calming her and how she thinks you are her dad. I really wish I was a better person and I had enough courage to be your mum again, but I sadly don't. I love you Niall and Angel too. You will always be my baby and one day if I do come back, I will be better for you. Don't remember me as the person who betrayed you because you know that's not who I am. Please don't let Angel think I don't love her, I do so much. That's why I am doing this. I've moved to America with your grandparents and they've agreed to help me. I didn't take your money this time and I promise Ni, I will be back and I hope you will still want me as your mum.

I love you,
Mum xx

He finished the letter and didn't notice the tears streaming down his face. That was until he felt a tiny hand on his cheek. Niall looked down to see a very confused Angel. "Why you crying?" the sweet voice asked. He just sighed and shook his head, "nothing baby, it's fine. Let's get to bed yeah?" She just nodded. Niall walked to his room and layed Angel into her crib which was way too small for her.

It had been a few hours since he found the letter and he thought that with the weight of his mother off his back he would feel free, but instead he felt incredibly guilty and he couldn't understand why. He just tossed and turned all night until the sun peaked through the thin curtains making Niall get up.

Harry had trouble sleeping that night too but not because he was upset or guilty. It was because he couldn't get a certain blond off of his mind. He doesn't understand how Niall could have such a big impact on him in a short period of time. It sounds incredibly cheesy and cliché but he couldn't help his feelings and he would only hope Niall could or would feel the same. But again, he kept his feelings to himself and let his affection for Niall get stronger each and every day.

Words: 534
Date written: 13/11/15
Edited by: narryit

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