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Worst writing you'll ever read ahead: be warned.

3 months later:
After that day everything just seemed to fall into place. Niall and Harry were officially together and at college studying A-Levels, Angel was in school and thriving and Niall dad has been a constant support throughout. Niall's life couldn't physically be any better than it it right now. Every moment to him was so amazing he never wanted the happiness to end. His mother still was gone and he didn't know if she was ever gonna come back and he misses her now, he doesn't need her but he misses her. Harry was perfect for Niall, he understood and cared so much it was almost suffocating but that's what Niall needed after all the trauma and abandonment. He wanted someone to be there Day or night, he needed that constant support and Harry provided that for him and he was so thankful.

2 1/2 years later:
The two years seemed to fly by, Niall and Harry are currently at university together. Niall is studying Law and Harry is studying medicine and surgery. They're both second years and loving every moment of living together. Their love for one another grows each day and it's an amazing sight to see for their friends and family who are so supportive of them it's something overwhelming. Despite the usual stress of university, loans etc life is phenomenal for the young men. Every relationship has ups and downs and Niall and Harry aren't immune to that however; they're so much better at working through problems and they continue to grow together as people and a couple each day.

6 3/4 years later:
Niall and Harry are currently finishing up their studies and are so ready for the next chapter. Niall is joining a law firm as a solicitor and Harry has a placement at a leading hospital as a junior doctor. Despite these incredible milestones in their careers one major event happened, they got engaged! One night as they lay in bed, Harry was anxiously cramming for a final exam and Niall looked over at him and went "I love you, marry me?" and it's safe to say no more studying went on after that... Angel was so excited when she found out they were getting married and begged Niall to be a "groomsmaid" which made everyone laugh at their engagement party, Niall's dad is in a healthy loving relationship with a fantastic woman called Maura and also so is Harry's mum with an amazing man called robin. Gemma is travelling the world with her husband, Mike, and their little girl, Aubrey.

16 years later:
Niall and Harry lay in their bed with their twin daughters, their baby son and two dogs all squashed together on Christmas Eve. They were ecstatic with their life. If anyone told them at 16 this is how life would be they would've laughed so hard... life was perfect. Their twin daughters Adele & Ashleigh were almost 3, their son Mason was just a few weeks old and their two dogs , Alfie and Oscar were just perfect for the two men. Their careers had really taken off. Harry was training as a surgeon and Niall is now a barrister. Every goal they worked their asses off for are coming real and as they laid there with the fire burning, snow falling gently outside they listened to the sound of their children softly sleeping next to them and the quiet Christmas movie playing in the background. Harry looked down at his husband, looked at his family and his heart was so full. He kissed Niall's forehead and went "I love you with everything I am, you're my home. Thank you for 15 incredible years. You're my everything", tears fell from Niall's bright blue eyes as he replied with a tearful "I love you" they kissed and looked at their family once more and smiled to themselves. How did they get so lucky?


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