0.11 | Narry Christmas

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It's Christmas Eve and with all the stuff that has happened, Niall forgot about decorating the house. He bought presents like he always does. It's like impulse, buying things for Angel. He just feel like he owes it to the toddler.
He even bought for Harry.

"Harry honey, why don't you invite Niall over for Christmas?"

Harry choked on his water not expecting his mum to ask anything remotely close to this. "I don't know mum. He has Angel and you haven't even met him."

"More of a reason to invite him over, I know you like him."

Harry flushes, "H-how did you know?"

She playfully rolls her eyes. "Cause I'm your mum, I want him here Harry. Money for food isn't a problem and it will make you happy and that's all I want."

Harrys just stares at his mum and thinks how lucky he truly is. Ever since Des left them his mum hasn't been happy at all not like she used to be anyway.

Harry agrees to ask Niall. He isn't sure what he will say but he really hope he says yes.

About 30 minutes later Harry is walking along the road to Niall's house. They broke up from school at few days ago and he would of just rung to ask Niall but they haven't seen each other that much and talking face to face is always better.

He knocks on the door and waits for the Irish beauty to open it. He does eventually and Niall smiles at the giant boy in front of him.

"Haz what are you doing?" Harry smiles at him and goes to walk into the house. Of course Niall lets him.

"I don't know whether you want to or not but my mum invited you and Angel over for Christmas." Harry sort of rushed it all out and is looking at the floor, his face bright crimson.

"Harry I would love to."

"It's okay Ni- wait what?"

Niall laughs, "I would love to."

A massive grin spreads across Harry's face and he leaps at Niall and hugs him 'till Niall has to push him back the tiniest bit.

"My mum is gonna be so happy."

"That's great but can you help me decorate for Angel? She's gonna wake up soon and I want it to be all nice and festive."

"Sureeee," Harry dragged out while walking toward the Christmas tree parts all over the floor.


Two hours. Two hours it took them to decorate the house. It shouldn't of but it did. Angel still hasn't woken up and Niall has just checked on her. She's all fine probably just tired he thought.

They are both sat on sofa waiting for Angel with some hot chocolate. "Can I ask you something Haz?" Harry just nods. "So much has happened since we kissed, do you regret it?" Harry is nervous. He is nervous because neither of them have bought it up. He is nervous because he doesn't want to loose Niall.

"Nope, not one bit." Harry spoke low and slow, I haven't fucked up. I haven't fucked up.

"I don't either" that was honest music to harrys ears. Niall could tell him he loved him and it wouldn't compare to this, the weight that was lifted when Niall said those words.

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