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Niall was lying down on his bed tossing and turning. He didn't know the time, he was too drained to even check. He stared at the ceiling. He felt so alone. Yet he had more people than ever? It doesn't make any sense to him. Lately things just seemed to merge together. Like life was just moving forward and Niall wasn't really apart of it, he couldn't focus on anything. Things were just confusing right now. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn't hear the doorbell go until someone was violently knocking on the door. He closed his eyes and sighed, eventually getting up. He walked drearily along the hall as the knocking intensified. Niall mumbled "fuck sake" under his breath and looked through the peep whole and his chest constricted. Harry was here. He swallowed his pride and opened the door he looked at the beautiful man in front of him and felt guilty. He didn't know why but seeing Harry, his eyes red, dull and swollen made him think he had done something wrong.

Harry stood there on the porch and just started at Niall like he was priceless art, his heart was beating so fast he didn't know what to do or say. He loved Niall so much, he realises that now.

"Ba- ni, please talk to me, I miss you so much. I'm so so sorry Niall please" Niall was astounded, he doesn't know why they're so emotional. It's stupid really and so cliche but oddly enough, so them. Harry always did love cheesy romance. Niall smiled at Harry and moved aside to let him in. Before he could close the door two arms wrapped around him and he felt at home. He wrapped his arms back around Harry and closed his eyes, he's not sure how long they stayed like that but he knew he didn't want to let go. Harry would occasionally whisper I'm sorry or I love you and Niall would just hug tighter not finding the words to say it back.

They reluctantly pulled away, they just stared at each other. They both felt ridiculous... all this heartbreak, the cold glares, the sad eyes. It all felt like nothing. Now that Harry was back in Niall's arms it felt like nothing had ever happened. Niall was looking so deep into Harry's eyes, both of them haven't blinked for too long to be acceptable but they didn't want to miss anything.

"Don't you get it? Everything comes back to you Harry. Everything does and I can't control the way I feel but I love you so fucking much that it hurts when I think about you. It hurts when I breathe because somewhere along the way you stole my heart. You took it and never gave it back. I realized I can't. I won't live without you anymore. I'm sorry. Ok, i am so sorry but I am so in love with you I can't be without you." Niall's voice came out small and timid at first. His voice breaking and his words mixing together way too many times for what he said to be classed as English but Harry understood. He got every single word and despite the inappropriate time he kissed Niall with everything he had. He kissed him for so long his lips started to hurt. They kissed until they cried, happy tears of course. And finally everything felt okay for once.

Omg ew ok hi. I'm so bad a writing I just can't 😭

I'm soooo gonna edit this book I've been saying this for way too long but imma do it soon.. it's summer btw!! My last summer as a high school student!! Bless 🙌🏼

It's been so long damn.. like 7(?) months?? Like Harry's released an album since then? A movie? Louis and Eleanor got back together???? Liam released a CHILD. Shook sooo shook. Anywayyyyyyy have a good day 💗

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