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*not edited of course*

What do you say to the person who broke your heart? What do you look at when your whole world is staring right at you? How do you breathe when it feels like they are taking all your air? This is how Niall felt when he and Harry bumped into each other. Inevitable really. The world works in cruel and mysterious ways and Niall's not sure which one this is. His space he's had for a long time had been invaded by the drug that he's been avoiding...

He wanted someone to tell him how to say hey. He doesn't know how to act. Should he cry or hug Harry?.

His scent is intoxicatingly strong and that's the only air he wants to breathe right now. The air where Harry is all he can smell, taste and survive on. It's not healthy but it works. They work.

Who knew such a sort amount of time could lead to this. He wishes he could be mad at Harry but he can't. The man he's absolutely infatuated with is stood in front of him with a sad smile and glassy eyes and all Niall wants to do is break down.

It's all been a blur these last 6 months and I don't think it ever registered with Niall and it's all catching up. Every laugh the shared, every touch, every Kiss is coming back to haunt him and he can't breathe through it. It a overwhelming type of pressure - it's heavy and uncomfortable and he just can't deal with it, so when Harry opens his mouth and reaches out to Niall he bolts. He runs away and he doesn't, he won't look back. Harry is his drug. A drug he can't seem to get away from.


Okay so hey to whoever is actually reading this... I don't even know but like NARRY has been so good to me lately I had to update.

Goood news I'm at a point where I'm actually starting to feel good woooo!

I have an obsession for Matt Terry / Harry jn another man / Niall // this town / Christmas and this boy in my class lolllll

It's almost been a year since I first published this :')

Enjoy folks !!

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