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It's been two hours since Bobby left and since then Niall has cried, wanted to scream and smash everything in the house. But he couldn't do that. Not with Harry and Angel here. He has never felt that much anger towards his dad until today. Even when he left, Niall made up excuses "he will be back," or "just at the shops" knowing it was complete bullshit but he just couldn't come to terms with it. Every memory they made, the laughs, the sitting around the table talking about their day, means nothing anymore and it's tearing Niall's heart in two.

Angel is now asleep and Harry and Niall are cuddled up on his bed. He isn't even quite sure how they got there, but at this point, he doesn't care.

Harry was stroking Niall's hair when he said, "You are like my own English rose." No matter what ever happened, Harry could always make Niall smile, and that intrigued him and scared him at the same time.

Even so Niall laughed, well giggled, and Harry thought he was impossibly cute.

"Harry, I'm Irish," he managed to say between giggles.

Harry huffed. "Niiiiii, don't ruin my flirting."

Niall's cheeks flame and at that moment he's glad that Harry can't see his face.

"I can be your Irish rose?" Niall questioned knowing that his flirting doesn't really work but he tried.

"Irish rose... I like it." Niall cuddled closer and closed his eyes really enjoying Harry's company.


Niall woke up alone that morning and was confused as to where Harry went. He got up and almost fainted at the sight of Angel's empty cot. He rushed out of the room screaming her name, but there was no response. His throat burned and his eyes were hurting. He went into the kitchen and saw a note. Through the tears, he read it and he's never felt more stupid and relieved.

You looked so cute sleeping, I didn't want to wake you. So I got Angel ready and took her to nursery. I also called the school and explained how we were both poorly, I don't think they bought it but oh well. We need to talk Ni. It might be hard but I want to be there for you.

Love Harry xx

"We need to talk", Niall thought over and over again. He couldn't even think about Harry calling him cute. As he was getting ready, he still was repeating it. He wasn't ready at all but he didn't want to lose Harry, he just couldn't.

Harry got back to the house and he was visibly shaking, Fear coursing through his body. He wasn't ready to hear about the pain Niall endured but he needed to. Niall needs support and Harry wants to be there for him.

Harry could see Niall in the chair in the living room and he went to sit down. Niall looked up at him and saw a fond smile smile on his face. They both were sat facing each other neither of them knowing what to say.

"Harry," Niall sighed, "what do you want to know." Niall decided that that was the easiest way to start.

"Everything Ni. I want to know what it was like before, during and after." Niall nodded and looked down, the tears were already starting to form.

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