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Can you read the a/n at the end please aha?

After Niall spoke to the doctor they ran a few more tests. They had to wait a few days for the dreaded results. Angel perked up a bit, especially when she saw Harry. She couldn't stop smiling.

They were getting ready to go home when a nurse came in.

"Hello! I just wanted to see how she was doing" the nurse said. 

Niall smiled at her and nodded but wondered how she knew about Angel. She has only been in the hospital for a few hours, he continued to pick up the booklets the doctor had given him. He heard quiet whispers and could only make out a few words. "Is - brother," he heard from the nurse. He heard a giggle, "Daddy." Niall wanted to chuckle but again the reality that he would have to tell Angel that he is actually her brother sunk in.

The nurse just nodded and said goodbye to Angel before starting a conversation with Niall. 

"Are you her dad?" Niall shook his head.

"No I'm her brother bu-," the lady just shook her head.

"You don't have to tell me why she calls you that." I smiled at her. She left shortly after and soon Harry walked in with a tray of cups. I stared at him confused and he flushed.

"I didn't know what drink you liked so I got one of everything." You're so cute, Niall thought

"Thanks Ni, you too." Apparently aloud.

I walked over to him and took the hot chocolate. Angel probably needed some sort of sugar in her and it wasn't that hot so he helped her drink some through a straw that was also on the tray.

"Thank you Haz." He smiled at the brunette when Angel had finished her drink. A light blush made its way to Harry face at the nickname.

They arrived home about an hour later. Clearly discharging your sister from hospital without parental consent is harder than he thought. He's gonna have to sort that out soon. Harry was holding a sleeping Angel who was most likely to sleep the whole night. He was nervous to be alone with Harry. He would've went home but wanted to be with Niall for "moral support," that's what Harry called it anyway. Niall also found out Harry was the ones who moved in two door down. He felt quite stupid, it was kinda funny as well though. Harry said that he wouldn't of known unless he has told him, since he forgot about it himself in the first place.

They had went to bed, different rooms again. Harry didn't want to push Niall and Niall didn't want to ask.

Around 3 am, Harry was awoken from whimpers from Niall's room. The walls were obviously thinner than he thought. He's usually quite a heavy sleeper so he's baffled on how he woke up from such a small noise. He closed his eyes trying to ignoring it. That is until he hears a loud sob and soon he was up faster than ever before. He didn't care he was only dressed in boxers or that the Angel might wake up due to the noise.

He pushed the door open and he saw Niall, tears streaming down his porcelain skin, his chest was heaving up and down as the sobs continued. He moves closer the boy and as he does that Niall screams, "No!" Harry's heart rate picks up and he's scared. He caresses Niall's face whispering, "Ni?" Niall just keeps repeating no. Harry shakes him gently, then a little harder. He eventually wakes up still crying and his breathing was uneven. Two arms wrap around Harry's neck and he is being pulled to Niall's chest. He wraps his own arms around Niall and picks him up so he can sit down on the bed. Niall cries, cries and cries, Harry whispers in his ear and tightens his grip around the blonde's waist.

"I can still feel it Haz," Niall whimpers, "their hands, their faces, my pain." His voice fades and Harry's heart physically hurts. It hurts for Niall, it hurts because there's nothing he can do, it hurts because he would take it away in a heartbeat but he can't.

It takes a while for Niall to calm down and Harry can't help but love the feeling of holding him.

Niall untangles himself from Harry and yawns like a kitten. He then lays down and Harry gets up taking it as his cue to leave. He was about to walk away but a hand grasped his own. He turned around and spoke, "Yes Ni?"

"Stay." Niall's said in such a broken voice, Harry knees almost give away. He just nods and climbs in, Niall immediately clinging to Harry.

"G'night Haz" Niall whispers.

"Goodnight kitten." The nickname was random but he knows it's okay because Niall smiled.

He watched the sleeping boy and the feelings he's been trying to push away came crashing down like a wave. He's in deeper then he thought.

798 words
Date written: 19/12/15
Edited by: narryit

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I've been planning a lot lately so bare with me because if right now something doesn't make sense it will soon.

I want to change the cover so let me know which is your favourite?

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