Dirty Dancing

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The smell of alcohol and sweat burned my nose, and the blaring music made it hard to hear. I walked over to the bar and ordered a drink, staying towards the outside of the club, looking for the group of friends I came with.

Scanning the crowd, I spot my friends in the back corner.
I slowly, and clumsily make my way to them....
But, not without tripping and landing in the lap of a... Greek God?

Holy hell, I thought to myself, this guys hot!

"Well hello there." He said.
Holy hell, his voice could make a girl melt like a Popsicle in the sun on a summer day.

"S-sorry." I stutter. "Me, h-heels, and one to m-many drinks don't mix well."

He smiled, God that smile. It makes me wanna do things I never would have thought of doing to a stranger.

"I'm Justin," he said," And you, pretty little lady are?"

I smiled and looked down, not being able to look at him anymore without blushing.
"I- I'm Angel."

He laughed, and I looked up. The way he looked when he laughed just did something to my body I couldn't control.

He placed his hands on my hips, placing me in a straddling position, causing my short, skin tight nude dress to slide further up my leg.

"So, Angel, come here often?"
God, when he said my name, I swear I could feel a puddle in my panties start to form.

"Uh- yeah, my f-friends and I come l-like every weekend. We go to s-school at WCA."

" College chicks at the local bar, why am I not surprised." He said with a chuckle.

I laughed too, and I could help but notice his eyes scan over me, stopping at my chest, continuing down, an back up. It wasn't until then that I felt his not-so-little member poke my thigh.

My dress probably didn't help the situation either.
The form fitting nude dress was bundled up at my hips. The sweetheart neckline of the dress displayed my boobs in a not-so-innocent way.
Massive amounts of cleavage was basically boring out of my dress.

Damn, I thought to myself. Do I actually have any boobs in my dress?

"Why don't we go dance." Justin said, breaking the silence that had fallen.

"Uh- I- I." I stuttered.

"Oh come on sweetheart, nothing bad comes from dancing." He said, throwing in a wink. He stood up, picking me up, and placing me on my feet, and lead us to the center of the dance floor.

SoMo's song ride began to play and my hips and his began to move in sync.


After who knows how long of dancing, Justin pulled me back to his table, grabbed his jacket, his keys to mustang, and his wallet.
We started to the door when I asked," W-Where are we going?"

He smirked," Back to my place, of course."

~Authors note~
Sorry it's short!
Ill try to make chapters ahead bigger and more details!
Comment constructive criticism and your thoughts on the book so far.
Thank you guys for reading!
I hope to update soon!

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