I need your love

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"Ask away." I stammered nervously.

He looked at me and ran his hand down his face.
"Angel-" he started," I know this is all happening quickly, and I'm not that sorry about it.
But you're just the girl I needed.
You're everything I could've dreamed of and more.
I know there's lots we don't know about each other, but we can learn.
But, I'd like to know if you'd be my girlfriend."

I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow," What if I'm a serial killer?"

He laughed," Are you implying that you are?"

I laughed,"No, but you're asking me out and all and what if I was."

He leaned over and whispered," Then I would've died happy."

"So..." He started.

I laughed. "I don't know..." I joked.

He raised an eyebrow and changed his position. His legs had me locked in a straddle position, one of his hands holding my wrists above my head, and his other hand free of use.

He locked down at me and laughed," Answer or I'll..... Tickle you."

I screamed," No! No tickling. I swear to god if you-", but it was to late, he started his tickling attack and I exploded into laughs.

"Stop! Stop!" I screamed.

He laughed," Answer and I will."

"Fine! Fine! Yes, I will! Now stop!" I shrilled.

He stopped," Good. That makes this better." With that, he swooped me up and over his shoulder and walked back to the car.

"Put me down!" I huffed.

"Sorry cupcake, I like my view."

" Gross." I mumbled.

He laughed," Lighten up cupcake."

"I have feet." I grumbled.

"Princesses don't walk." He chimed in.

"Well this one does!" I yelled trying to throw my hands in the air.

"Not anymore." He said laughing.

When we finally got to the car, he put my on my feet.

"Finally." I mumbled.

"You enjoyed it just as much as I did." He said throwing in a wink.

I stuck my tongue out at him, and climbed into the car.

He climbed into the driver seat laughing, and started the car.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked.

"Well, I should probably go back to my place and check in, so they don't think I'm dead."

He laughed," Yeah, that's smart. If you want you can pick up a few things and just stay at my  place."

I laughed,"Uh. Isn't that a little....." I turned and looked at him, joking," scandalous?!"

He laughed," Very. But I mean, you have to sin every once and a while."

"Bad!" I laughed out.

He shook his head, and asked," So where's your place?"

I laughed, "Oh right. It's just off campus." And I rattled of the street name and he drove.


We showed up at my place, and I unlocked my door and walked in.

"Angel! Where have you been?" My roommate Delaney asked.

I laughed," I was out. Calm your tits."

She laughed and pulled me into a hug, then pulled away and raised an eyebrow," Who's that?"

I turned around and looked at Justin, who was leaning in the door frame," Oh, that's just Justin. Don't mind him."

"He's cute." Delaney whispered not so quietly in my ear.

"Thanks." Justin responded.

Delaney's face grew red with embarrassment and she walked off to her room.

I laughed and felt Justin walk up behind me. "Go grab what you need, I'll wait here."

I nodded and walked off to my room. Once entering I grabbed one of the Victoria secret bags off the back of my door and through in some clothing, my phone charger, and a few necessities.

I heard a knock on my door,"Yeah?" I asked.

Justin opened the door and stuck his head in," You ready?"

I nodded and grabbed my bag off my bed, and walked out the door.

Justin's arm wrapped around my waist and I yelled to Delaney," Bye Laney! Love you!"

"Bye boo! Love you too!" She screamed back.

I looked up to Justin," Ready to roll?"

He laughed, "Yeah, I'm 'ready to roll.'"

I rolled my eyes,"Are you going to pick on me all the time?"

"If you keep acting cute, yeah I am."

I huffed and walked to the door, Justin behind me. I let him walk out and then I closed the door.

He walked down to the car when he huffed," I like it better when you walk in the front."

I bust out laughing," Nope! Now it's MY turn to enjoy the view."

He laughed and turned and looked at me," Like the view?"

I winked,"It just got better."


Here's the chapter!
Sorry there's so much time between updates.
As always it's unedited( Sorry!)
Much love❤️
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