Or nah?

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We drove back to Justin's place, and took me to his bedroom where I unpacked my stuff into the dresser drawers he told me to use.

As I put the last article of clothing in the drawer Justin walked up behind me and put his hands on my hips, spinning me around.

He looked down at me, and locked his lips with mine. He moved his hands from my hips to my butt, and squeezed, causing me to giggle into the kiss.

He pulled away and winked, and started to walk to the door.

I huffed," Where are you going?"
He smirked," I'm going to go shower. Care to join?"

I giggled, " I'll meet you in there cutie."

He walked to the bathroom, and I waited, just to tease. After a few minutes I heard the water start, and then made my way there.

I silently opened the door, and undressed, trying my best not to make any noises.

Justin was in the shower, washing shampoo out of his hair. I smiled, and opened the sliding glass door. He opened his eyes and smirked, putting his hand out for me to grab.

I giggled and entered the shower, and stepped towards Justin.

His smirk got bigger and he grabbed my waist and picked me up, pushing me against the shower wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and his hands scooped my ass.

He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. I looked up at him and playfully bit his lower lip. I ran my hands through his somewhat soapy hair and giggled.

He squeezed my butt, surprising me, causing me to gasp, and then laughed.

He leaned in and kissed my jaw, down my neck, and then to my collarbone.

He brushed his lips against the hickeys on my collarbone and I moaned. I felt him smirk, and he smacked my butt, causing another moan.

I guess this is a tease chapter 😌
Do you guys want the next chapter to be dirty? or clean?😏
Unedited, as the norm, so sorry for errors.
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