Uh oh

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He forgot a condom.
"Shit shit shit shit. I can't believe I just. Shit. I'm so sorry. Oh god. Shit." He repeated.

I could barely think, or formulate sentences.
"We just-
And we-
Oh god." I said.

"How could I forget?! Seriously, how?"

"You're not helping my this situation." I said, gesturing that he was still inside me.

"God damn, sorry." He said, grabbing my clothing and handing them my direction.

"I mean I didn't," he started.

"It can still happen. You don't have to jizz to knock a girl up."

" I know," he said," I was trying to be hopeful here sweetheart."

" Don't sweetheart me. What can you say you actually know about me? We met tonight. I literally fell into your lap, in a club, for fucks sake!"

"Angel, calm down. It'll be fine. And if not, well, then we can make things work out. If it does happen. I'll help. I won't make you do it alone. But, until then. We should get to know each other."

" It's like 3 am." I countered.

"You weren't complaining it was 3 am a few moments ago." He said with a wink.

I glared, still touchy with the subject.
"Asshole." I murmured.

" I can hear you, darling."

"GOD DAMN, SUPER SONIC HEARING MUCH?!" I somewhat angry, somewhat sarcastic.

He winked," You bet."

"Oh god." I whispered.

"It's no time for sex noises."

I looked at him, probably blood red, "You little-"

" Ah ah ah. Sh, and get dressed. We're gonna go somewhere. "

"At 3 am.....With me.... In this?" I managed.

"Yes. Now that we got that covered. Get
dressed." And with that he threw on his shirt, and walked out his bedroom door.



So I need a favor from you guys( if you want!)
Soooo I need a cover for the story.
And since you guys probably have more artistic talent than I do,
Can you guys helps me with a cover?
We can talk through messages if you want more details but yeah, that's it.

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