Chasing Cars

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As we walked out of the building, all the girls in the line to get into the club flung themselves at Justin. Pushing their boobs out, fixing their hair, doing anything to get him to notice then, but his eyes never wandered from me.

He walked over to the passenger side, opened the door, and helped me in.
I blushed as he closed the door with a wink.

He walked over to his side and started the car, placing on hand on the steering wheel, and the other hand on my upper thigh.

As we pulled into the driveway of his home, he looked at me.
"God," he said," You're so Fucking beautiful."
I blushed and looked down," But there's girls who are better than me, I'm not the prettiest, smartest, or funniest."
He reached over, pushing one of my curls behind my ear, and resting his hand on my cheek.
"There's one thing about those girls I don't like though."

"What is it." I whispered.

His eyes met mine and he spoke," They aren't you, Angel. I know we just met, but there's something different about you. Like I met you a long time ago. Like we're supposed to be together.
Call me crazy, but I swear, there's something different about you." He said shaking his head with a smile and opening the car door, getting out. He walked over to my side, opened the door and helped me out.

We walked up the pathway to his house on silence, and he unlocked the door, allowing me to go first.

His home was gorgeous,
The inside spacious and well decorated. The room we were in was beige, with chocolate brown furniture, and a painting on the wall. Damn, this guy sure knew how to decorate.

He set his keys in a dish on the table next to the door and grabbed my hand, leading me upstairs.

When we reached the door he stopped and asked," Are you sure about this?"

I smiled and nodded, looking down.

"Okay." He said with a smile, and opened the door......

~Authors Note~
Hi guys!!!!
Soooo this is chapter 2!!!!
I hope you guys enjoy!
Ill try to get on a schedule for updating regularly!
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Till next time!

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