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I quickly through my dress back on, along with my bra and underwear and found one shoe.


" Look next to the bed." Justin yelled back.

I looked and, yeah, he was right.
" Thanks." I hollered back.
With that, I put my shoes on, and opened the door.

I literally had no clue where this guy was at.
"Uh-" I started.

"Down here."  He said back.

I walked down the stairs and there he was. In his flannel, his khakis, and let's just say he was rocking the "just had sex" hair.

I, on the other hand, probably looked like a mess. I ran my fingers through my hair, attempting to fix it.

" You look fine." He spoke up, and grabbed my hand, lead me to the door, and grabbed his keys.

He opened his door and we walked to his car. " I'd like to know where you're taking me at 3 am mister. "

"You'll see when we get there." He responded, a smirk showing up on his face.

"OH GOD. YOU DON'T PLAN ON HARVESTING MY KIDNEYS AND SELLING THEM ON THE BLACK MARKET, DO YOU?" I whisper shouted, sarcasm laced through the words.

"Damn, I've been caught." He responded, rolling his eyes.

" Fine. How long until we get there." I said in a whiny, 3 year old voice.

"Be patient."

"Make me." I said while raising an eyebrow.

" Don't you dare. You'll make me do something we'd probably both regret."

I swallowed, my face reddening,"Oops."

After who knows how long of driving we showed up at a park.

I opened my door and got out, as Justin got out as well.

" Where to." He asked, and I pointed to the swings.

" I can make do with that." He said as he walked towards the swings.

"So what are we doing here anyways." I asked as we sat down on the swings.

" We are getting to know each other. Simply."

" Oh." I said, feeling stupid for asking an idiotic question.

"Yes, so let's get to it."

I laughed at his eagerness."Uhm you ask first." I said, laughing.

He laughed. " Okay.... Well. Earlier tonight you said you attended WCA. What for?"

"Forensic anthropology." I said quickly, looking down at the sandy,rocky combination.

"Damn. Smart and hot. Can't get much better than that, can we?"

I laughed," Yeahhhhh. Uhm. Where'd you grow up?"

"I grew up in Minnesnowta."

"Well, you strayed far from home." I said as I looked up at him.

" What about you? California native or no?"

"I moved here from Pennsylvania."

" You strayed further from home. Why's that?"

" We all have reasons to leave home." I said as I looked down.


Hi guys!

Yeah I updated, oops.
I've been trying to get into the habit of updating frequently.

But, I had a cover sent in.
(Yes, you guys can still send in covers)
But. Thanks for reading!
Love you guys!❤️

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