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We walked up to his house in silence, not having much to discuss.

He opened the door and let me walk in, and shut the door behind him when he entered.

"Here, the bathrooms this way." He said as he started walking down a hallway.

He opened a door to the bathroom, pointed to the things I'd most likely need, and left. I locked the door, got undressed turned on the shower and washed off.
As I stepped out of the shower, I found a towel on the toilet an outfit and a pair of shoes.
"What the-" I asked. "I could've swore I locked the door."
I turned around and looked, the door was still locked.
"What the fuck?" I asked myself.

I dried off and inspected the clothing.
A maroon long sleeve crop top, dark high waisted jean shorts, and a pair of maroon vans.
"Not to bad." I though to myself.

I hastily got dressed, through my hair into a high pony tail, and walked out the door.

I found Justin sitting on the stairs," Was this you?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Possibly." He said, smirking. "I'm glad it fits."

I was baffled," I locked the door?" I questioned.

"Cupcake.... You can't live in L.A. and NOT know how to pick a lock."

"Bastard." I mumbled.

"Darling, I have ears." He smirked.

"Fuck it."

"You know you want to." He whispered.


"That's not what you said last night." He retorted, throwing in a wink and standing up.
"Where to cutie?"

I huffed," I don't care."

"Alright, I've got the perfect place."


We pulled up to a beach with no one else in sight.

He got out of the car and grabbed my hand.

We made our way to the shore, hand in hand, the salty sea breeze hitting  our skin.

After walking a bit, we stopped. I looked off into the distance, absorbing the beauty of the horizon, the beach, and everything in sight.
I felt Justin looking at me so I glanced over.

"You're gorgeous." He said, looking me in the eyes.

I looked down, blushing. "I'm far from it." I muttered.

He stepped closer,"Hey..." He lifted my chin," You are. Everything about you is."

My eyes locked his, and we just stared at each other.

He slowly leaned in and locked lips with mine.


Hi guys!
It's meeeeeeee!
How are you?
Well that's my update!
Sorry it took a while, I had my phone taken because of grades.
But I'm trying to get on an updating schedule,
So comment when/how often you guys think I should update.
Thanks for reading!

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