Love In The Dark

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As we walked through the door, I scanned the room. The walls were painted dark blue, with black and white furniture. The room was very neat, nothing out of place, completely opposite of my own.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the neatly made bed, making me giggle.
Lifting me up, he placed me on the edge of the king size bed, tingles erupting on my skin wherever he touched.

He leaned me back, causing me to giggle more, and stood above me.
He leaned down and captured my lips in his.
He slid his tongue against my bottom lip, asking for entrance.
I parted my lips slightly, and let him take control on my mouth.

As his lips broke from mine I met his gaze.
His green eyes were dilated, and vibrant, with a look of desire in them.

He swooped his mouth to my collarbone, leaving love bites, causing light moans to erupt from my mouth, and my back to arch.

He took this as an advantage to take his arms behind me and slowly unzipping the back of my dress, pulling the material down.
He slid the dress down and threw it some where behind him, and he gently pushed me back, putting himself in the push up position over me.

I looked up into his eyes, and then down at him. My lack of clothes, and his lack of lacking clothes bothered me, so I decided to change the situation.

I sat up a bit and began to undo the buttons on his flannel shirt, fumbling along the way.
Once I reached the bottom button, he slid out of his shirt, and yet again through it somewhere behind him.

I giggled as he slowly started to undo his belt," Stop being such a tease!" I whined.

He laughed, and quickly finished taking off his belt. He unbuttoned his khakis, and room them off, leaving me in my bra and panties, and him in a pair of navy blue boxers.

He pulled me closer to the edge of the bed, looked me in the eyes and-


I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever!!!!
But I'm back!!!!
I hope you guys enjoyed part 1 of this chapter and leave feedback in the comments on if I should make it dirtier or not!
I love you all

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