Can't Buy Love

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"Why'd you leave?" He asked with a puzzled look on his face.

" I grew up in a small town that every summer got over populated with tourists.
Nothing big ever happened.
It was like a big old cage of the same game over and over.
So as soon as I graduated, I got up and left and moved as far away as I could."

" But your family?" He asked.

I frowned," Family is...." I sighed. "It's a touchy subject. I talk to them occasionally, but let's just skip over it."

He frowned and nodded," I'm sorry."

"Don't be." I said quickly. "So. What brought you to L.A.?"

"Work, I guess." He said, shyly scratching the back of his neck.

I laughed at his uncertainty. "So what all do you want to know?"

"Anything." He said, laughing.

" Oh god." I laughed.

"I thought we agreed on no sex sentences or sounds." He said, raising an eyebrow.

" 'oh god' isn't a sex sentence," I threw a glare. " You just take it sexually."

"Well, I mean, we did just sleep together. And, you said it many times. Soooo, from this point further. It's sexual." He said winking.


"That's the best you got, sweetheart?" He said laughing.

I stuck my tongue out.

"Smart. Sexy. And childish. Damn, you're great."

I put my hand under my chin and grinned. I kicked my legs and moved the swing a little, and he laughed.

"What's so funny." I asked, shooting him a glare.

"It's just I didn't notice you were so short, until now." He said, completely loosing himself in laughter. "Your feet.... They barely reach the ground." He laughed out.

"Fuck you." I said playfully. "At least in not a giant."

"I'm only 6'1," He laughed.

"Only 6'1?! God damn, you're crazy." I laughed.

"You know you love it." He laughed.

"I'm not that short." I interjected.

"What are you? 4'11?"

"I'm 5'5 in heels." I said proudly.

"You're like a little cupcake!" He said with a smile.

" I'm not a cupcake. You can't eat me." I countered.

"Actually-" he started with a smirk.


He laughed. " Okay , okay. I'll behave." He through his hands up in defense.

With that, I pushed him off the swing, but not before he grabbed me on the way.

We landed awkwardly in the sandy stony mess and laughed.

We laid there and looked at the stars in silence for a bit.

"Hey you." I finally piped up.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I guess you aren't so terrible." I said as I giggled.

"Thanks?" He questioned.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed.

We laid there until the early morning sun crept it's way up the horizon.

"Let's get you home." He said, looking at his watch.

"What time is it?" I asked.


"Shit." I mumbled.

"What?" He laughed," Miss curfew?"

"No." I glared.

"Then what?" He asked getting up, and grabbing my hand.

"My friends. Well, uh. They'll, uh. Probably get the wrong idea." I said blushing.

"You mean, they'll know you stayed out all night and got laid? 'Cause thats totally what you did, sweetheart."

I laughed. "Yeah, but they're a bunch of college girls. They'll ask questions. And I can't tell them, 'Oh yeah. I fell into his lap in a club. We went back to his place. Had unprotected sex. Then went to a park until like 6 am.' THEYLL THINK IM CRAZY!"

"Fine, then we can go back to my place."

I looked down. "Uh- I would like to change, and shower. I feel.... Sandy."

He laughed.

"Let's go." He said with a smile, and lead me to the car.


What's up?!
I hope you guys like the story so far!
Keep an eye out for the next update.
Love you guys!

Xoxo Brooke

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