Snow White Pt. 1 (Seventeen S.Coups)

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You were on the drama club room with all of the other members because your president called out a meeting. You're the Vice President but you don't have any clue why did he called this meeting.

Other members were chattering and whispering to each other also clueless about the sudden meeting. But everyone stopped as the door opened revealing your club president, Choi Seungcheol. He was wearing a very serious face and it seems like he's on his 'day' again.

"What did we do again?" You thought to yourself as you heaved a deep sigh. He walked towards his seat on the edge of a long table then suddenly slammed his hands on the table that startled all of you.

"Y-Yah President, what's wrong?" You asked, well who else can ask him besides you? He sent you a piercing glare that made you gulped in nervousness.

"What's wrong?" He mimicked as he was wearing his infamous creepy smile that made you all more nervous and scared. "Well, let me all tell you what's wrong." He started off as he moved backward and folded his arms over his chest. "Early morning I was already called on the faculty because they're just planning to shut our club down since this club is just a waste of money and space. Because all of our plays from last school year up to now were such failures! Thanks to your efforts and willingness to attend rehearsals, guys!" He explained with mixed of sarcasms, anger, frustration, and disappointment.

All of you were just looking down and can't lift your head because everything he said was right. Every time you have rehearsals about three to four out of seventeen members of the club only comes. Seungcheol really looked upset and you don't like seeing him like that. He's a long time friend of yours, a neighbor, and also the only guy you really love.

"Uhm...President you know, like what you've said they're just 'planning', right? So, we still can change their minds." You stated being so positive like you always be. He looked at you then leaned down making your face just inches away from each other. You backed away a little as you can't stay close to his face because you might suddenly faint.

"Change their minds? How, huh? What's your plan Vice President?" He muttered still not removing his face away.

"W-Well, can you move away first?" You told him as you forced a smile. He stayed on the same spot for couple of seconds but moved eventually. He stood straight and gave you the 'so-what-now?' Look. You got up from your seat and walked in front then cleared your throat.

"Ok so, we should admit first that we really didn't do well on our past activities." You started off then you clasped your hands together, "But! That's already on the past, we shouldn't focus that much on that what we should do now is to make a very good and catchy play that will make not just our schoolmates but also our teachers and other faculty members wow." You said full of enthusiasm, they all exchanged stares and started chattering.

"Thinking of a 'very good and catchy play' isn't a problem at all it's just that we have incompetent members here that's why." Seungcheol exclaimed as he glared at your members. You immediately nudged him to make him stop from being an ass because you know that that's far from encouraging your members at all. He shot you with his death glare but unlike to others those glared can't intimidate you at all, you can actually have glaring contest with him.

"So to continue what I was saying, I really need everyone's help and participation. I know all of you joined this club because you love acting, right? So, are you going to let it end like this, huh?" They again exchanged stares once again then eagerly shook their heads in unison. "Great!" You exclaimed with big smile plastered on your face. "Now, I need you to think of a great story for our club's comeback. Everyone's suggestion is welcome." You announced and each of them started thinking of something.

You then turned around wiggling your eyebrows to your monster president who suddenly became quiet. He narrowed his eyes to you then shook his head as response to your cocky smiles.

"VP!" You heard one of your members called you and when you turned she was raising her hands.

"Yes Anna?" You pointed her.

"Since most of our audience are teenagers why don't we choose a romance as our genre?" She suggested and you motioned her to continue, "I was thinking why we don't have a classic one and let's just add some twist on it? Why don't we have one of our boys act as the lead girl and a girl to be the lead guy?" She stated enthusiastically and everyone seems to like it even you.

"That's not bad, actually it's a very good idea!" You said then clapped your hands in excitement, "Yah President! What do you think?" You nudged him but this time lightly and all attention focused to him.

He returned everyone's gazes then heaved a deep sigh, "I guess...that's not bad at all." He muttered still acting like an a-hole. You then gave him a not amuse stares, "What?" He huffed and you just shook your head in disbelief.

"Don't mind him Anna, your suggestion is really great." You assured Anna with a smile, "So now that we have that kind of concept, what story are we going to do now? Any suggestions?" You asked as you looked each of them one by one.

Another hand was raised and it's Wonwoo this time, "Yes, Wonwoo-oppa?" You beamed him a sweet smile, he's older than you by month so you call him oppa though you guys are just in the same year. You're also guilty that you have crush on him, well most of the girls on your school do anyways. You then heard the rascal behind you snorted, he's always disgusting you every time you act cute in front of Wonwoo and calls him oppa.

"Since we're talking about classic, why don't we do one of the all time favorite and famous fairytale? Snow White most probably?" He suggested and that sounds good to you. You looked at your members and they also seems to like it then of course to your president. You turned your head to him and again he heaved a deep sigh and you accepted that as an ok.

"Ok, so we're doing Snow White!" You announced, "And we're also going to do cross dressing!" You added and everyone clapped and cheered in happiness and excitement. "President, you can take the floor now." You stated then motioned him to come forward.

"You already said everything, do you still need me here?" He snorted while his arms were still folded on his chest. I just then rolled my eyes on him, "Ok then, Vice President and I will do the script tonight and tomorrow we will decide who will be on the lead roles and also start practicing." He announced but you raised your hands, "What is it now? Aren't you still done talking?" You narrowed your eyes on him and just ignored his a-hole-ness.

"Why we still need to choice who'll play the characters tomorrow, why not just now?" You asked and everyone nodded their heads in agreement. You then shot your beloved president cocky smile that annoyed him more.

"Ok then, like always let's vote who'll be on the lead roles. Let's start with the lead girl that like what you suggested will be played by a guy." President started off, "We only have three guys, me, Wonwoo, and Seungkwan who's unfortunately absent today because he's not feeling well. So, who do you want guys?" After some chattering and exchanged stares everyone finally have their decision that was whispered to you.

You then bursted into laughters that made Seungcheol narrowed his eyes on you, "S-Sorry." You stuttered still trying to contain your laughter because of the explanation they said to you, "So, everyone decided already and according to them the one who'll play Snow White is no other than...Wonwoo-oppa!" Everybody clapped their hands and cheered for him. He then beamed everyone his infamous dazzling smile as thank you. You coughed to cut the noise to continue with the announcement, "And of course the evil witch is no other than you, president. Doesn't it suit you well?" You teased him and acting cool as always he accepted it without complaining while others trying to contain their laughters.

"Ok, let's move on to the prince." Seungcheol huffed, "And of course, Wonwoo you'll be the one who'll choose who will be your prince." He coldly added. Wonwoo then stood from his seat and looked at each girl in your club one by one.

You were busy having a making face battle with Seungcheol when you suddenly saw Wonwoo walking towards you on your peripheral vision. You first thought you're just imagining things but he really came to you that surprised you, "I think you're perfect for this character."

To be continued....

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